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Everything posted by DEVLIN

  1. I,ll be there about 7.30 , see you lot if youre still there. If not , see you all on Sunday. 1. Steve - 6/6.30pm 2. wullie - 6/6.30pm 3. Del & Carole - 6pm 4. Billy & Jean - 6/6.30pm 5. Malky (Might bring my car this time) 6. Big Andy & wee Andrew Jnr 7. Ricey 6/6.30 8. Grasshopper(mmmmmm pizza) 9. Devlin.
  2. Malky , I,m probably too late but i,ll take a set of stickers if available. See all you guys on the day.
  3. Hip hip.
  4. Dirty theivin scum , you think that a fellow scoob owner would know that they were damn expensive to keep without people nicking bits of them.
  5. Ahh , the infamous shirt that I heard so much about on Saturday. Bladerider , sounds like jealousy mate. they all love the shirt.......... Yeez are a bunch of closet shirt lovers.
  6. Paul , drop me a p.m. if you dont get sorted , I should be able to get you a contact for trim repairs in your area.
  7. Matt , yer gettin picked oan again mate.
  8. Good to see its back to normal Wullie !!!!!!!
  9. Eagerly awaiting a reply on this thread too mate , quite fancy a flamer myself.
  10. Nice one Chris , thats precisely the reason I didnt hang about for long. Too many " wee muckers " for my liking. Sorry Paul , didnt say cheerio! just assumed I would see everyone at Glasgow , had a sense of urgency to swap the V6 for my flat4 definately speak to ya soon. Love the new car mate. What time did you guys get to Glasgow at , I got there about 10.00 and stayed til 10.30 , started to pi@@ down so headed off home.
  11. No , you wont need insurance if its on private land but private land wont stop theives trying to nick it. So definately an "advantage" to keep it insured.
  12. Dougster , your always lurking about , ready to lower the tone. Hows tricks anyway mate. You coming to the meet on Friday (Stiling) or even meet us in Glasgow for a wee while.
  13. I have just spent more money on a bigger baseball bat.
  14. After all , we dont buy a scoob to save money. Howdy David
  15. Matt , did you mention free food , i,ll be up for that. 1) Matt (sti-zlv) A thursday night perhaps. 2) Paulc555 3) Barry (DEVLIN) any night 6.30 onwards preffered
  16. Daz i,ll give you a shout if I need assistance with the kit mate.
  17. Ye cannae kid on that yir the polis wae a scoop light mate.
  18. And here was me thinkin saloon drivers were different class. You guys ever lookin for any driftin lessons , give me a shout.
  19. Ian , gonna be copying big daz,s mod to the front spots. Gotta admit there pretty good.
  20. Good stuff , plenty of sideways action on Saturday night. Are those wagons harder to catch after a slide than a saloon coz WRC No1 (Wullie) seemed to have the same prob sometimes. Quite funny to watch from 100yds behind
  21. If all you guys remember , I was last to exit the lay by ( held up by a silver wagon who shall remain nameless ) I then applied half throttle and screamed past said silver wagon only to be tailed for a while. yes I did get lost and I am to blame but then again , who doesnt get lost in Dundee.
  22. Grant , get a look at the pics on dundeecruise.com - your the only 1 of us 5 to make it mate - not a good pic - youre captured ramming a BK Flamer down your throat ( that doesnt sound too good - sounds like a bit of action from Claires DVD ) well I didnt make it this time , but I did make it in to Fast & Modified
  23. Wullie , you aint havin a good couple of weeks mate. Fix the car tomorrow . Go and pour yourself a double just now. and drown your sorrows.
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