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Everything posted by Chrismaz5

  1. Hmmm? Hopefully we'll have a few more when we check our camera tomorrow! Night all!
  2. No problem!! Always nice to see new faces.....especially from our neck of the woods!! ...it's about bl@@dy time!!!!
  3. Yep! will do, don't think we'll be eatin though. Just to see whats going on with CADS/SIDC... Cost's enough in fuel just to get there and back!!
  4. Never miss an opportunity eh!! Luckily mines working great at the moment, but if it wasn't I'd certainly be gratefull for a re-gas in this weather.
  5. Kids, home & cars costing us at the moment!! So were having to cut back a bit
  6. Blue Boy Rasher Mean and Green Warby ChrisP(possible)
  7. Go on, count us in!
  8. Classic.....what else!!!
  9. Are we Vintage, classic or commercial? Sounds ok, will check our diary and report back!
  10. You don't have to bribe us.........but it helps!! We'll be there 2 adults, 3 kids (unless we get a sitter!!..then it'll be just 2 adults)
  11. Of course you would be welcome......bu can't guarantee you won't get stick about the laguna, but only in jest!!!! Hope your not scoobyless for too long m8!!
  12. Cheers Andy! I think it's a little difficult sometimes...because for us (and many others I assume) there's so much to do that it's not easy to keep up with whats going on. I have a hard enough time keeping track of what our 3 kids are doing in school each day (trips & homework etc) So we don't get to check through all the various threads to find out whats happening all the time, and as a result tend to miss things until the last minute (or completely!!). Not blaming anyone but ourselves for this though!! Just makes me feel a bit cheeky when I express an opinion about how things are done, because of our less than 100% input But when we are involved, I hope we give it all we can! Proud to be an CADS-SIDC member!!! And I do sympathise with Bob's position (not a job I'd want to take on), And as I've said before about Tatton. I just wish we had had an SIDC/CADS banner and some membership forms. Which we would have been happy to have had made ourselves if we had know there wasn't going to be any there...
  13. WOW! Not just the weather hotting up then!, sorry we didn't make the meet.....Don't like to let the side down On the flip-side, had a great day out in snowdonia...and hopefully going recrute a new sidc (cads) member too. Just bought his scoob after much harrasment by my Mate and Me, And loves it to bits! Said he should have done it a long time ago! Had a great (enthusiastic) drive out through the mountains to Blackrock sands and back. And Some figure of 8 sideways fun on the beach (in a quite spot).. << ( except for Tatton Show that is). >> Any comment must be good, as It shows some concern for the club. Although I think it has to be whatever it's members ( or the majority) want it to be. I'm pround to tell people that CADS is the NW devision of SIDC, and have no worries about it being it's own independent club. This doesn't mean that I don't promote CADS, it's all about the scoobs to me and a chance to talk to and meet other people who don't mind you waffling on about your car...guess I'm simple mided that way!! lol
  14. no idea ...
  15. I might be lucky....I braked out of instinct, but I might not of been going that fast 'cos I still getting used to the higher revs in the new car.....fingers crossed! Erm? not sure what time it was.......funny, we had just passed a police bike going the opposite way. Totaly clear motorway infront of him, traffic jam behind him!!!!
  16. Ahhhh....well were in good company then! can't belive we didn't see it until the last minute.......it wasn't exactly hidden!
  17. Pics look good! Did anyone else head back up the M56 towards N.wales and see the speed camera on the bridge?.... We did.......... as we passed under it! ...Doh!!
  18. So....do we check here or on the North of England bit for meets etc?
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