Well, off to Loton Park this weekend http://www.hdlcc.com/loton.htm
Done all my last minute checks on the Cobra....
All ready for an early start. Should be a good weekend, whatever the weather!!
Cheers everyone, it's only a modest one..
Pilgrim Sumo with Rover V8. Looking into a nice pair of side pipe's at the moment...white stripes....rest of the badges are on order....the modding never stops!
Well were back to one scoob, the silver wagon live's on, But the poor old black WRX is gone. Off to south wales a few weeks ago.
But on a brighter note...We have a new addition...
My Cobra...
Hi Dan,
I've not been on much either....
Sold my lovely black WRX about 3 weeks ago!!!
A shock to the system I can tell you.....Congrats to you are the missus though
....I did buy a Cobra instead though.
......For no other reason than, it's the first time I've been able to read the text on the new site!! PC messed up and the font went tiny ( to the point of unreadable on the new SIDC!!)
It's looking good!!
Totally shocked!
Really don't know what to say...except what a really nice guy who will be sadly missed. Glad to have known him.
Our thought's go out to his family.
A frosty start a Druid's Inn, waiting for the CADS to arrive.
Nice to see the usual suspects, and some new faces too!
Hope you all got home safe, and hopefully Bob has some pics inside Ramsport....
Blue Boy X 3
Mean and Green X 3
Dan the WRXMan X ?
Rasher X 2
J5 X ?
Wagon Wheels X 1
Andy X ?
Warby X ?
Mark Atkinson X ?
LeeScoob X ?
Chrisp X 1
Littlh x 1
Chrismaz5 X 5
Bluebotle X ?
Another space for someone on sat & sunday....we are going to have to pull out. No money.....my car has taken up all that we did have...and it's not sorted yet! (Rip-off garages don't help either!!)
Sorry guys......but, something has to give