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Everything posted by frenchy

  1. Ryan and Ian, I'll put your tickets for Japfest in the same envelope which you should get by the weekend
  2. Oh Kev, I am so sorry to hear that. Good luck with your chemo treatment though Wow, that was certainly a career shift! Is that be at Addenbrookes? I bet you can't wait til Thursday!! I drove one on Saturday and I must have I'm very jealous of those picking theirs up this week I've not met up with the Cambridge guys for a long time, I'm sure they're still around though.
  3. All good ta Kev Oooh, very nice! When do you collect her? Are you still in the "trade" or moved on?
  4. Hey Kev, I wondered if that was you who had joined the club How are you? What's that you're driving then? Kim
  5. Sorry to hear that Barry 1. ScoobieFloz - Prawn - Turkey - Brownie (Booked) 2. Don - Pate - Turkey - Xmas Pud (Booked) 3. Scoobyjoff - Prawns/fish pie/and that betty thing (Booked) 4. scoobro + 1 - Prawn - Turkey - Caramel Apple Betty / Tomato Soup - Turkey - Xmas Pud (Booked) 5. Frenchy - Tomato Soup - Festive Burger - Caramel Apple Betty (Booked) 6. Dan +1 - Tomato Soup - Turkey - Choc Brownie / Prawn - Turkey - Caramel Apple Betty (Booked) 7. Scoobyrichie (Booked) 8. Emmie Lou (Booked) 9. 10.
  6. 1. ScoobieFloz - Prawn - Turkey - Brownie (Booked) 2. Don - Pate - Turkey - Xmas Pud (Booked) 3. Scoobyjoff - Prawns/fish pie/and that betty thing (Booked) 4. scoobro + 1 - Prawn - Turkey - Caramel Apple Betty / Tomato Soup - Turkey - Xmas Pud (Booked) 5. Frenchy - Tomato Soup - Festive Burger - Caramel Apple Betty (Booked) 6. Dan +1 - Tomato Soup - Turkey - Choc Brownie / Prawn - Turkey - Caramel Apple Betty (Booked) 7. Barry - Tomato Soup - Fish Pie - No Dessert (Booked) 8. Scoobyrichie (Booked) 9. 10.
  7. Might pop in the next time I'm in Cambridge to see
  8. 1. ScoobieFloz 2. Don 3. Bakerzone 4. Scoobyjoff 5. scoobro + 1 6. Frenchy 7. scoobe 8. 9. 10.
  9. Is it a closed event Pele?
  10. Your link isn't working Pele. Shame I'm so far away, would have been great to catch up with you
  11. I might pop along
  12. http://www.sidc.co.uk/product-category/track-days/
  13. http://www.sidc.co.uk/product/asda-charity-day-brungingthorpe-sat-9th-august-2014/
  14. The best of luck Floz. If you need any help then you know where we all are
  15. I hold no grudges Scott, life is far too short, it was in fact you who brought up the subject of warnings and bans. No body has been banned from SIDC for a few years. All warnings recently are totally justified.
  16. Your warning was for a duplicate profile which was created solely to be used for flaming threads & discussions and trolling the forum, in which you pointed out it was to "wind Chris up".
  17. I'd like to address all comments posted by Eddie that mention the current "Chair" of the club so I'll quote and reply inline. Your first contact made with the club was with Andy on Sat 28th July 2012 - email subject was "Domain Registration, Scottishscoobies.co.uk" in which you enquired as to if we would be renewing the domain. If we weren't then you'd like to "purchase the name to go along with the .net and .org addresses". You received a bounce back from Andy's email address, you the contacted John S who responded to you on the same day to advise that I would be the best person I deal with your query. I replied on the 10th August firstly apologising for the tardy response and advising you that we would in fact be renewing the domain. I stated in my email to you that I would in fact like to see SIDC/.net form a relationship and yes, I asked you to have a think about how best to move forward with this. You acknowledged my apology and went straight into "So to get down to it. We are looking to secure the Scottishscoobies family of addresses". Not the best way of attempting to "build relationships" don't you think? You emailed me on the 11th April 2013 - subject "Domain Registration, scottishscoobies.co.uk" offering assistance with our forum/website issues. At which point I replied on the 13th April thanking you for your offer and explaining our issues. How is that snubbing you? Surely you can understand the importance of safe guarding our website/forum/database content and information. We have a not so great host who we pay to deal with this and have done for a number of years and are in the process of securing a new host. We also have stum450n and ScoUK who assist with the maintenance of the databases and servers our side of things. I personally do not know the history of the rivalry between SIDC/.net so I can not comment on this issues raised. However, these types of posts do not help to improve situations. This is the second or third time you've mentioned these contacts with me in various threads and whilst you see it as "not cooperating or snubbing you", I personally do not feel that your contact with me has been in relation to "building relationships" between the two clubs. I am a patient and approachable person and am willing to help anyone out where I can but I cannot do everything for this club which is why we have a Committee, Regional Organisers and Moderators to all work together. I certainly won't make decisions that will reduce member numbers and traffic away from SIDC to another site for the sake of £12. I will do whatever I can to protect our members, their data and the future of this club and if that means "snubbing you" then so be it.
  18. I'd be up for the Christmas party Floz December 7th - Midlands Christmas meal, Leicester. 1. Scoobie Floz 2. Kim 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  19. Sorry, won't be able to make this. Have a good day peeps
  20. Thanks Scott.
  21. No, having two accounts is not against the forum rules. However I find it difficult to understand why a paid member would have the need for two accounts. I have been monitoring the posts made by Scott and specdogger since Sunday evening. I even have evidence that the account of specdogger was created by the same i.p address as Scott's. We also know that he's not the only person from the region to set up a second account and introduce them self as a newbie before replying to them self. Chris, you know full well it's not two people. Whilst you might find it amusing, the rules apply equally across the club. You yourself have been one actively calling for openness and consistency across the club, regardless of region. Being an RO, you surely cannot condone spamming and trolling of the forums - unless of course, you wish to release yourself of your role? Without wishing to single out particular members of the Glasgow region, evidence states that recent activity can be seen as trolling of the forums which IS against the forum rules. As a general point, any such behaviour going forward from ANY member from ANY region across the club will result in an immediate removal of posting ability. This is the first and final warning I am going to give. If you do not like it here then I suggest you go elsewhere. This club is for all members of all nationalities, not the reserve of a few and I ask that you respect other members and I ask that you respect the rules as they stand. If you do not abide by the rules set by the club then I suggest you leave now and resign your membership. I hope that this is the end of the matter and we can move forward. Kim
  22. 1. Little Vodka Goblin & Joe 2. Chris, Verity + 2 children 3. Don (ticket purchased, hotel booked - all set for JapFest2 on Sunday ) 4. Scoobyjoff 5. Frenchy
  23. Any update on this guys?
  24. All contact info is here: http://www.sidc.co.uk/?page_id=77 Complaints depend on the nature. If it's membership related then membership@sidc.co.uk is the one to use, if it's shop order related then it's shop@sidc.co.uk Any other complaints can be sent to either kim@sidc.co.uk or enquiries@sidc.co.uk As for pinning of topics, where did you request this?
  25. Almost Chris - Advertising goes to advertising@sidc.co.uk TG related items go to the Editor. TrueGrip@sidc.co.uk
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