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Everything posted by whisperuk

  1. Im on holiday Andy
  2. will love to come and watch you ruin ya cars on the saturday Andy
  3. I have to work I'm afraid for this one which is a shame as I want to come. I wont be able to make the mini meet either as I cant trust my steering on those lovely fast roads, one day work will let me have some time off so I can get it sorted. Have fun Andy
  4. Would love too but am at Fairford Sunday But thanks for the invite Andy
  5. Im in some where country side with a little ragged wild background Andy
  6. Was a nice turn out. I couldnt stay as long as I wanted but had to get home, so apologise to the guys i never met before and didnt really get to talk much. Ill make the time next time.
  7. For anyone going today dont panic if you see smoke coming outta my bonnet when i park up I have an on going problem thats developed into another leak that dripping out fluid from somewhere I cant see where from but my steering is being effected too. Andy
  8. Hey Andy, could bring her for a nice lunch at the Harvester, she'd love it Andy
  9. Hey Col, I too am looking at getting the forge BOV so let me know how you get on and how much it has improved things. Mine is leaving boost as well so will be interesting how much this changes things. Andy
  10. 1. Big 'D' 2. Bakerzone 3. Mobius 1 - ben 4. Stu 5. Chris with white wheels 6. WhisperUK - Yay can make this one 7. Edmondo + S.P 8. Deano P1 9. 10.
  11. 1. Big 'D' 2. Bakerzone 3. Mobius 1 - ben 4. Stu 5. Chris with white wheels 6. WhisperUK - Yay can make this one 7. 8. 9. 10. Are we having another mini meet in July too? Chris why dont you just get them powdered in Pink ya know it make sense, I am sure Stu can find the a nice pink for you in his photoshop palette!! Andy
  12. Only two cars I dont recognise are the two black ones. Presume the middle one is Hannah's and the one to the left is Bens Work as usual stopped me from coming out to play but hopefully ill make a mini meet. Glad the rain held off for you Andy
  13. Its ok hope you clean the inside of ya windscreen soon.... Drying cloth is the way forward, and you dont even need to squeeze it out it holds so much water, unlike chamois's and as Stu said risky on the old scratch front with the blade. Then as you dont clean your old man then little risk all round Andeee
  14. Nice. Can you do mine for me Andy
  15. That may have been me I waved at a Black Scoob the other day in kidlington. And quick note to Bakerzone i.e this original thread.. Get one of those large drying cloths they are so much better than dirty oily chamois leathers. I got the giant one though its more like trying to dry a car with a double duvet for me Andy
  16. Silver!! Anything makes it shine. Its the color any other color needs attention. Silver is fastest and cleanist... Lol Megs makes Cars look shiny end of. Not expensive not hard work. Just clean.! To me if it takes five times longer to wax it then thats five times less fun I have had driving..... Wash it fast, polish it fas,t drive it faster..................
  17. Yarp, any of the Maguiars stuff is pretty recommended by all on this site. Any of there waxes, polishes, shampoos, detailers etc etc you get the picture. Some say its expensive but personally I dont really think it is. I used the shampoo, gold liquid wax ( I think thats what it is) and the Alloy wheel cleaner and tyre cleaner products. really are worth it. A slight cheap option is the new Turtlewax Ice range. I also use the Liquid Ice Polish and the Ice Detailer. Both give excellant results. Halfords did have 3for2 on all cleaner stuff recently unsure if that is still on, but it did include Maguiars stuff. Yep Halfords sell it too. Happy cleaning Andy
  18. Ill let you off this time.... Just lets ya car breath better. yeah the sound would be more air rushing in a bit like having an induction unit fitted. If you remove all your resisinator stuff removed from the air box, I have had mine done, then you will get a great rush of air sound when ya turbo sucks in. So yep will feel a little more responsive Andy
  19. Did you flash at me, I dont usually look in my mirror I will have to pay more attention next time
  20. Aww nooo where were you, coming home from work? When was this I usually always look out for you going that way.
  21. Sooo wot exhaust you go for in the end? And saw you today coming from Redbridge Roundabout towards Sainsbury's i Was going opposie way, I screamed and waved but you didnt see lol Andy
  22. 1. Big 'D' 2. Stu and the tribe 3.gc8-r 4.Andyjudge (maybe the tribe) 5. S.i.m.o.n +1 6. Andy WhisperUK work depending 7. 8. 9. 10.
  23. Welcome to the Oxford Scooby Crew.... A simple plea on how to remove a scratch and its handbags ( sorry Chris ) at 50paces. Whos cars faster, what cars faster, whos old whos not Nowhere else would you get such hostility I mean hospitality! And dont worry about Meets being a mans thing, we all sound like a bunch of women when were together Andy
  24. 1. Big 'D' - 12.4 sec to beat hope its not too hot !!! 2.gc8-r 3. WhisperUK - provisional, 1 or 2 days not running 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  25. Probably able to come up for a day maybe 2. Tho i def wont be running to be honest unsure if the car will take it aznd I dont wanna be emabarressed getting beat by a golf or the engine going ping in front of 100's of people
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