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Everything posted by muddy

  1. Sad loss of a great man. My condolences go out to all. R.I.P Craig & Tanya
  2. Don't worry Pele It's under control.
  3. Guys and Girls, There's still plenty of space left at this show, yes the SIDC are still going. [] Everyone's welcome. Andrew Burkinshaw will be running it all on the ground, and will be in attendance at the show SUNDAY ONLY. Entrance is only £6 per person. Get yourself along and fill the club stand with some cars. Cheers, Muddy
  4. Deadline to get your tickets and a carpass for the club stand is Monday 3pm. After that Abbie will refuse bookings.
  5. No more on the list, please. Thanks. Muddy
  6. Ok guys and Girls we've ahd a slight ticket booking cock-up. Hopefully it's all now sorted, so to clarify it all: Abbie has been in contact with ME about the club stand NOT Shiralee. I had mentioned Shiralee's name to Abbie, but Shiralee was not the contact reference for Abbie. Everyone should quote "SIDC" as a reference when booking tickets and if it makes it easier MY name Craig Mudd. Abbie is now aware and ready to accept ticket booking, it's a few quid cheaper than on the day plus you'll get a club display pass. REMEMBER THAT THE EVENT IS VERY CLOSE. So in order to help me/Shiralee and the organiser's can you all please book the tickets you want before Friday. Abbie is going to be out on Friday though, but please quote "SIDC" as the reference and request a club stand pass. Hopefully Abbie will pass on our details/requests to one of her collegues. Hoep this is ok with everyone. Any problems with ticket booking drop me a pm or email. Craig
  7. Hi Trevor, Thanks for bringing this up. Unfortunately Abbie have got confused with all of this. Just contacted Abbie and she's apologised as she forgot the last email she sent me [] So, hopefully I can clarify it all. Abbie has been in contact with ME about the club stand NOT Shiralee. I had mentioned Shiralee's name to Abbie, but Shiralee was not the contact reference for Abbie. Everyone should quote "SIDC" when booking tickets and if it makes it easier MY name Craig Mudd. Abbie is now aware and ready to accept ticket booking, it's a few quid cheaper than on the day plus you'll get a club display pass. REMEMBER THAT THE EVENT IS VERY CLOSE. So in order to help me/Shiralee and the organiser's can you all please book the tickets you want before Friday. Abbie is going to be out on Friday though, but please quote "SIDC" as the reference and request a club stand pass. Hopefully Abbie will pass on our details/requests to one of her collegues. Hoep this is ok with everyone. Any problems with ticket booking drop me a pm or email. Craig
  8. Looks like everyone had a top day. Aren't shows better when the weather is good [] Anyway, thanks to Spooks for giving up loads of his time in helping organise this event. Hopefully we can all do more together to get the club at even more shows. Muddy
  9. Great pics guys. Looks like you had a top weekend. If you'd asked I'd have ordered you some trophies.. See you at the NBO. Muddy
  10. You guys are more than welcome on the normal SIDC stand if your attending the NBO. Add your name to the thread I have in General Section. Muddy
  11. Looks like you had a cracking time... Great pictures..
  12. Details now in the Events Section http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/660950/ShowPost.aspx Don't delay get your names down qucikly. Muddy
  13. It wasn't!!! The reply was in response to your NBO post which this refers too. Scooby shoot out was started by Dave Peck who I believe was an SIDC member. (He attended all our SIDC events)But he organised it as Yorkshirescoobies. Muddy
  14. Yes it is their turf and they are organising what was origianally an SIDC event???? Well done also to all the CADS guys and girls for knowing where your loyalty is? CADS meet or Scoobynet shoot out, there's no doubt which one it should be, LOL ...Go to the CADS meet []
  15. Happy Birthday for tomorrow.
  16. Why not put this up in Track days and National events??? Just a thought!!
  17. Just a reminder...this is the same weekend as JAE (I have had it confirmed by the organisers). ***If by any chance you were thinking of attending "up North" **** Muddy
  18. I'll be driving mine 50 mile though
  19. Looks like you all had a really good show. Nice one JohnS. Muddy
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