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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. scoobytoo - 19th basser999 - 19th deano 666 - 19th granby - 19th or 26th dunks-19th keep them coming peeps.
  2. ok new list lets try for the 19th feb...sunday scoobytoo 19th basser999 19th dean 666 19th
  3. how about this one then......it's on the 24th of this month ace cafe meet any takers??
  4. ok people after several pm 's from members regarding "a drive out", the evening may prove difficult with people that have young children. can i make a suggestion please? obviously we need to try and find a day/date that is suitable to as many ks as possible. the more the merrier, including the little ones. it would seem that a day out would probably be best run on a sunday. this way MOST people will be off on at least one sunday in a month, ie due to shift work etc. daytime would be more favourable for parents with younger children. that way they can enjoy the day too! on a sunday we could also stop off either there or back for a pub lunch, roast dinner yum yum please post your feelings on this, as i think we all rushed in with both feet before weighing up the practicalities. suggested dates for FEB then....................??? SUN 19TH FEB SUN 26TH FEB. moved the dates on a bit to give people chance to make arrangements and get as many people going as possible dean
  5. Baser999 - either date Granby - either date dunks - can't do 11th scoobytoo- either date deano 666-either date?
  6. 14.00 no good as a few of us have to work. we was looking 6pm start ish. best idea is to put your name down and any date you cant make then clarify date neare the time. ie scoobytoo this means i can make both dates ie granby 18th this means he's not available this day.
  7. a nice run to hastings would be fun via ashford a few twisties that way. we need to keep ian off the motorways
  8. posibly dave gti and shrek(pink tart mobile)
  9. bit late in the day i know. does anyone want to go along and say hello to the essex boys 'n girls tonight?? if you do stick your name down here or ring me 07771 624800 halfway meet essex cheers all...... dean
  10. welcome to kent scoobies
  11. have you found the missing header porter yet then ian??
  12. << Go on Dean you know you want to >> personally i think it is a piece of c**p.£1500 with that amount of overhang you need a set of bonnet dampers to keep the boot up
  13. [ roll on Brands Hatch >> not the words i'd use to go round a track m8
  14. saw this last night ian,some old wagon going round and round...looked like he was enjoyinging himself though
  15. fat and noisey.............tsl firestorm as on mine with full de-cat or nur spec r as on shreks pink tart mobile as for de- cat down pipe you wont need a sports d/pipe to pass, the std centre cat back place will/should do the job...... and shrek is selling a nearly new h&s downpipe the best there is !!!
  16. keep the centre decat for mots 4 bolts and its on and off. that cat alone should be sufficient to pass an mot. the most bhp for ££ would be the decat m8.
  17. << Followed Blue Sti (New shape?) with Tints along Deanwood drive in Parkwood today, flashed but no response >> thats my neighbours car...jap sti does do waving and flashing
  18. hey pele!! and you was worried about your old wheels being square what type of car hit you?
  19. i presume you didn't get hold of harvey then?
  20. all i saw was BIG yellow and green squares out my window. i didn't realise they went that quick
  21. ian maybe we can hire a mini BUS for the next one i'm sure they are governed to 60mph.....ish
  22. tony, sorry to hear the news. tell the boss to get well soon.
  23. caught up by a people carrier too fingers crossed for you m8y
  24. don't you mean suffend mr. oh! i have a little passenger tonight.
  25. 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Granby 4. scoobytoo 5.shrek 6.deano 666 7. Monty (MOT permitting !) 8. Sheepie 9. taffr 10. markie looking like the usual list of waifes and strays
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