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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. check out the k/s threads, deano666 is your man and he's mobile.
  2. you beat me to it mark![sn]. if anyone is interested on going along to this one stick your names down here. 1.gtb ltd 2. scoobytoo
  3. thats fine 120kmh. those old classics never get to see those kind of top speeds anyway[sn]
  4. it was god to meet you friday, hope to see at a few more days out this year.
  5. thanks scott......... can't wait for this one.
  6. barry, its worth a look into it, get an idea of costs and dates etc, then we can see if its feasable might even get a discount if we get enough. i may know someone on eurostar.
  7. twas a great day pete, except it p***ed down[st][um]
  8. job for you then barry[Y]
  9. it was good to meet you sunday james. it was nice to see a few new faces sunday. great turn out in such crap weather though. roll on the summer.
  10. hi ron. it was good to meet you too. as you say pitty about the sussex weather, but hey plenty more days to come. just to say your car was looking good. hope to see you soon. dean
  11. i live in gillingham. can't say i've noticed that car though.
  12. heres my pics...........................
  13. well apart from the [st] [um], what a great start to kentscoobies 2006. 13 cars arrived at nottcuts for a 10.30 start. markie lead us down to hastings at a [sn] pace, arriving at hastings seafront by lunchtime. straight into the nearest fish and chip shop/restaurant for lunch, then into the arcades to let shrek to break their machines. we left hastings just after 2pm following markie at the usual [sn] pace back through rye then through ashord then markies car suddenly veared sharp left into a pub on the a20 near maidstone where we all sat down for a couple of[D][D] and then it was off on our seperate ways home at about 4.30pm i'd just like to thank everyone that came today and thank those who donated to the rb cancer reseach appeal. i will add some pics in a while........... if you have any of today post here..
  14. cheer keith. hope i will be in contact soon.................... the summer is coming[<)] dean
  15. ian.................... don't go too fast and leave all them classics behind.
  16. ooooooooooooh! are they in colour or black and white for the CLASSIC cars?
  17. last day................... see you all in the morning[au][au][au][au][au][au][au][au][au][au][au][au][au][au] any more then?
  18. [Y] Has the cat man done your carpet then?
  19. as usual anyone wanting to meet at m2 services london bound leaving at 7pm see you there!
  20. i've contacted both clubs and we're trying to set a date that doesn't conflict with other events at the mo. more details to follow.
  21. i've used injetor cleaner on nearly new cars, worth using imho. stick 1 bottle in a full tank of fuel, cleaner in 1st then re fuel.
  22. don't worry m8 you'll be there one way or the other, plenty of spare seats if we need to.
  23. i'm currently in the process of organising a joint summer meet with sussex and surrey scoobies during the summer months. sussex scoobies are holding a large summer bbq, hopefully we should be getting an official invite for this one. as soon as i get some dates i'll keep you posted dean.
  24. hi dunks, be good to see you again. if you want to meet at m2 services london bound for 7pm your welcome to follow a few of us up to bluewater m8
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