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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. if you have your name down for the rbmr on the 6th may i need your money at this meet if not posted to me by april 5th. cheques made payable to cheshire and district scoobies please. thanks in advance. dean
  2. dal, they are very heavy coats you will only need to wear one at a time m8[] seriously though great bid thank you.[Y]
  3. blimmey, he buys a hairdressers car then you cant get him off the forums![] don't bend this one m8[]
  4. hi neil, feeling better i hope? shreks already bid £55 for medium jacket m8.[]
  5. FOX'S SUBARU (BADGERS MOUNT) LTD have kindly donated two heavyweight subaru jackets for KentScoobies to auction to the two highest bidders.The proceeds going to the RBMR Cancer Research appeal. We have decided to auction them as there are already other raffles going on with other areas. The jackets are going to be presented to KentScoobies on the morning of the 6th may prior to meeting up with the Richard Burns Relay at Clackett services. The KentScoobies convoy will head down to FOX'S where we will meet the staff and local press for the presentation. Jon Allman of FOX'S has said that they are going to clear their forecourt for us on the day so we should all be able to all get in. A couple of BIG thank you's to.. Jon Allman at FOX'S SUBARU for their kind donation and also Shreks wife Justine, for contacting FOX'S in the first place. Tel: 01959 534218 Contact: Jon Allman. The two jackets donated are 1x large and 1x medium so there will be two seperate items to bid on.If you are making a bid please state which size you are bidding on, once the jackets have been presented to KentScoobies on the 6th May, the jackets will then be forwarded to the relevant winners. The deadline for the end of auction is friday 5th May @ 8pm. so happy bidding and please remember it's for a great cause. Dean.. OH! I'LL START THE BIDDING MEDIUM JACKET £50 [Y]
  6. think it was 11 ish ??
  7. hi nige. yes we did go to ashford only to find out the service area was at headcorn train station so we went over there.
  8. well done, you actually got a car in each shot[] glad to see you put the best car on 1st too []
  9. come on lin, where are they then? there must be at least one which is viewable []
  10. ello ello ello. what's going on 'ere then? oh yes that conversation we had earlier[Y]. 30 days £150 fine... i'm hoping i've been harsh though good luck m8.
  11. 1. scoobytoo 2 x m. PAID 2. markie 3. shrek - 1 x XXL + 1 x L 4. dunks - 1 m + 1 s 5. baser999 1 x XL 1 x xxl PAID 6. pele 7. loony toon 8. scuzz 9. scuzz(2) 10. T123vor 11. granby 12. ricky b. 13. dalthegooner 1 x M + 1 x XL 14. padtwo 1 x L 15. scoots 1 x L 16. damonhill 1 x M PAID 17. Daniel 2 x M 18. pornodan PLEASE CAN YOU SEND YOUR CHEQUES TO ME ASAP IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO NOTTCUTS FRIDAY 17TH. PLEASE MAKE THEM PAYABLE TO CHESHIRE AND DISTRICT SCOOBIES. PM ME FOR MY ADDRESS. THANKS IN ADVANCE ............ DEAN
  12. sorry hear that neil. hope to see you friday at the meet.
  13. yes it adjustable for camber.
  14. looks like jeff and i are going to early stages without the wife and littluns now coz of the weather so meet up at nottcuts. dont forget walkie talkies.
  15. bonsoir mon amis !!
  16. 12 ish it is then. don't forget walkie talkies.
  17. service stop sounds good. where and when ish?
  18. barry maybe they do b+b mate[Y]
  19. well done mark, barry will probably want to lnow if your stopping somewhere overnight[] when and where shall the lazy barstewards meet you for the drive down to the later stages?
  20. thanks graham, don't forget the £5.00 for stickers.
  21. barry, yes they do[pi]
  22. I will be collecting your pennies for this at the next meet.Please make sure where possible you have a cheque made payable to cheshire and district scoobies.
  23. normally get there for 8pm ish.
  24. is anyone interested in popping over to essex to say hello and for a quick at the halfway on thursday night just on the A12 2 mins from M25...includes a tunnel run too.[6]
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