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About ed-209

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  1. No mate at stobhill in the morning, did a temp repair using a car tyre repair patch, and then tape, worked fined. new hose is now on the car. only cost £26.03 from greives Never saw your car mate. then again my head was up my a!$e.
  2. Not on a Wagon. maybe some type of Japanese street style graphics.
  3. Got rid of the 330 about 3/4 months ago got another Wagon a blob eye this time. In the best colour of course and it has it's bling on. (blue with gold prodrive wheels). The missus says this is getting to be a bad addiction.
  4. After 5 Scoobies I had my first breakdown today. Top Radiator hose spilt. managed to stop the car before the temp went up very far. Used Subaru Assist (arrived within 10min of phoning) to get it to my mates garage managed to do a temp repair to the hose and ordered a new one from Charlie up at Greives Heard that this is very uncommon so much so that the main dealers don't carry the hose. But my new one will be here tomorrow.
  5. Need some help guys, When Conders sent up the blob eye someone managed to steal all four of the center caps. Ian at Conders supplied 3 old ones on a temp basis while they waited for the new ones to arrive. They arrive yesterday. heres the problem. the Wheels are Gold UK300 Prodrive's but the new Center caps are silver they have the prodrive by OZ logo's just the wrong colour. And conders are saying you can only get them in silver now. So if anyone knows where I can buys some from or the Part number for them in gold that would be very helpful. Cheers Ed.
  6. To reprogram your code as long as the alarm is the standard sigma unit. Unlock doors using remote type with 20 sec's *17856*92*wxyz*wxyz# (where wxyz is your new PIN code) into keypad alarm should bleep. job done Just done mine the other night as I did not get the code with mine.
  7. Since I got rid of the 330 (now have a blobeye wagon and people carrier on order) the wife is going to get me a more personal number plate something that ends in EDD or EJR (my initials). so was wondering what my old plate is worth. Reg plate is L555 BAY on retension with assignment already paid. just looking for a ball park fig so If I do put it on ebay I don't sell it too cheap. Cheers Ed.
  8. Too late for the don't buy french, ordered a c4 grand picasso VTR+ today. now just got to find a cheap scooby. been on autotrader and pistonheads seen blob eyes for approx 5k but will take my time and get the right one. cheers Ed.
  9. Due to needing even more room (car wise) looking for some advice. I will be getting rid of the 330 and buying something with more space. What do you guys think of forresters, outbacks etc. Trying to stay with subaru as they are offering the most for the 330 (thanks gav). or should I do a straight sale and get a MPV like a grand picasso for everyday use and get a classic/early newage for a play thing. I have been dilly dathering about what to do. If I do a straight sale for the 330 what do you think would be best for that private, we buy any car, dealer. I myself think dealer as I can't be bothered with every test pilot calling. Mon guys need help. Ed.
  10. It's not a 330s, doesn't have the tinted rear windows. the fog, spitters ect are extra even on a 330 so at 24K it over priced for a standard year old sti with just cosmetic changes. Does it have recaro seats and push button start. if it does it may be a euro import.
  11. Stunned socked and mortified mate, if you want a hand in the lynching dept you know the number. Hope they catch the f£$kers.
  12. Just do a search for Sidc Flyer there is a few of them.
  13. It's my 18th Wedding anniversary, and my wife did the dirty on me and been cyber cheating with a Mr K Block and his sponsers, He/they sent signed Teeshirt, Baseball Cap, Poster and sent a personal email to us both. Photos to follow. Pam did give me other bits and bobs including Guitar pectrums with ED-209 on them. Best Anniversary So Far. What's yours been.?
  14. Neil is right, In the 330s I find my left knee hitting the steering wheel housing when using the clutch, but you soon learn to use a alfa style of clutch control. now I don't even notice I do it. otherwise you have to set the seat very low. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=137440 Ed.
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