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Everything posted by corsa

  1. What about my transit,it has a combined BHP of 345 Will try and post a pic up soon.
  2. White RA is probably the one owned by Autosafe in Newton,dont event think about it It is reputed to have some SERIOUS power that even the gumball would struggle with.
  3. Glad you guys had a good night, really sorry i couldnt hang around but as i had been up since 4am for a trip to London and back with the same again tommorrow i had to get home. No doubt we shall hear what topics were raised at some point. Davie. The one who dissapeared in the 53 plate PUG Estate.
  4. Dont want to sound like a pure tart but i still have it,needed something turbocharged to take the dogs in
  5. Got myself a new wagon so will hopefully show it off
  6. 1. Billyboy and Ally 2. WRC No 1 + madburd 3. Fai17 4. Stringy 5. Marc29 6. Des 7. micra_wrc & Squirrel 8. Gumball 9.Billy 10. Colin 11. Rice Rocket 12. Ed-209 13. SCOOBAY 14. keap clan 15.CORSA And a free BTT
  7. 1. scoobay 2. gumball3000 3. CORSA And rescued from page 3
  8. This is a "NON SPECTATING EVENT DUE TO HEALTH AND SAFETY" The rally is a counting round for the STRC and is 43 miles with 57 cars (entry list below) there are many Scoobs, many MK11 escorts and Tom Morrises 6R4 and an Escort WRC. The event is needing marshalls so if anybody wants to Marshall (and see a bit of the action on the infields ) then arrive before 8am at the bottom gates and make your way to the official signing on opposite the oval and ask for Dot (Dorothy). The gates WILL be LOCKED at 08.15hrs and NO access will be given for spectators,Marshalling is the only way to see the action which is on all day. I am club steward for the day so if you need any help in getting signed on as a marshall ask any official for davie hatrick (CORSA) My number is 07717130612. davie
  9. Just noticed in the background the MR2 is that my mates Kenny Lairds per chance? Oh and the spoiler looks great BTW
  10. Thanks guys, 69th eh no bad out out of an entry of 208 4th in class out of 13 These Irish boys are scarily quick but we shall return next year. Shame my mate Mark wheelers rally with his 2.1 ltr pinto MK11 Escort all ended on stage 4,pictures below. Sligo 1 Sligo 2 Sligo 3 Sligo 4 Wont have much time to attend for a while,been sent down to London from Friday,Stockport and manchester for the timebeing.
  11. 1. SCOOBAY (Barred) 2. Billyboy (Barred) 3. JohnSt (Marshalling) 4.Corsa ( not barred) Seeded entry list now online; seeded entry
  12. The best conditions to hear the said problem is going round a bend and deliberately cut over the drains on a left hander or right hander and you then hear the back end clonking away,could say it was similar to a lot of things but a window pane
  13. As a matter of fact i am going to see my Dealer on Friday Morning 8am
  14. Looks like the goodyears are a snakes bawhair in front,will make a few more calls and then decide. Lots of different views and opinions here i may add
  15. I know this has been covered a thousand times before and yes i did search the forum thoughrally and came to one conclusion,everybody has different views. I now need two new front tyres and have narrowed it down to 4 types,what i am looking for in a tyre is the following; 1.I dont do track days. 2.I need a tyre to last as long as possible mileage wise. 3.I do drive quick at times. 4.Looking for a good all round tyre(no jokes about there being all square ones please) good in the wet as well as the dry. 5.Budget is not really an issue. I have considered the following; Toyo T1r Goodyear Eagle F1 GSD3 Kuhmo Ecsta Sport KU31 Vredestein dont know the type yet?
  16. Thanks for the replies guys, Swiggi i am not really interested in upgrating or modding the Scoob as the Corsa takes all my spare cash(just ask Sharon) i just wanted some advice on whether i need to start quizzing my dealer over the geometry reset only to find out it is not reqd. Cheers guys. Davie
  17. I am due to get my rear struts changed on my 04 STI this week due to knocking,this is being done by the dealer under warranty. What i would like to know is does changing the struts involve adjustingor resetting the geometry settings or is just a case of one off one on? Thanks in advance Davie
  18. 1. TheSquirrel555 & micra_wrc 2. WRXMANIA 3. Playsatan2 4. ANDYJDMSTI (if back from NZ in time ) 5. sheep ( work permitting ) 6. gumball 7. scoobyandy (weather and work permitting) 8. Fai 17 9. Stringy 10. Marc 29 11. ImprezaPete (weather and work permitting) 12.CORSA (If i am not up on Mull doing my Recce)
  19. Just seen two apache gunship ( i believe) helipoppers fly over Rutherglen on the south side of glasgow No doubt heading for the seaside at Ayreshire.
  20. What happened to freedom of speach or am i misunderstanding the whole point?
  21. Ullapool has SUL all of the time,we were up at easter and had a fantastic time round the roads up there yet again. Have a great holiday. Davie
  22. Ian, indeed i did get a repair done at S&S they did a first class job and worth a call. Davie
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