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conrod last won the day on December 3 2024

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  1. Hi t5nyw, have ticket and club pass for rallyday see you there.

    1. t5nyw


      Okay what time you arriving

    2. conrod


      Hi Tony, around 8ish

  2. Hi Tony, is there a passanger ride going for rallyday ?

    1. t5nyw


      Sorry I have promised one to Joe and one to STimulation.

      so if either pull out or i get another session then yes.


  3. Thanks Tony for the passenger ride at jdm, good to go out on track with someone who knows how to drive.

    Thanks again.

    1. t5nyw


      glad you enjoyed it. A bugger we didnt get the first session on video. That was awesome fun 

  4. Hi joff, that's very kind of you to help Floz like that.Its times like this that its good as a club to stick together and help others where we can. well done

    1. scoobyjoff


      Hi bud thanks for your message Well hes been good to me over the years so its not a problem hes a good mate and a cracking chairman so if i can help in anyway its no problem lets hope things come good for him and all involved its right what he says tho life can change and go wrong in a instant 

  5. Hi Floz, sorry but I've only just read what happened on sunday.Hope your ok,if I can help in any way please let me know.

  6. Hi Floz, sorry but looks like I missed the deadline to purchase ticket for jdm combe.


    1. ScoobieFloz


      You can have mine as it looks like I wont make it.

    2. conrod


      If your sure that would be great.

      please let me pay you for it, send me your bank details.

    3. ScoobieFloz


      We can sort it when the ticket arrives. ?

  7. see you there.
  8. Hi Floz, where are you staying on I.O.W scoobyfest. Just trying to find somewhere.

    1. ScoobieFloz


      A few of us are staying at Sandown Hotel. I believe hotel places on the island are becoming limited due to the number of people going. I think our hotel is booked up.

  9. Hi floz, Christmas dinner all paid for.me and family will be attending 4 in total.

    1. ScoobieFloz
    2. conrod


      Thanks mate. Thanks also for rallyday shame abuot the weather but still a good day.

    3. conrod


      Forgot to mention just going to sortout about going to scoobyfest. trying to find accomadation

  10. Hi floz, any chance of showing your go pro footage from when you came over to me the other year.

  11. Hi Foz, how come no japfest this year ???

    1. ScoobieFloz


      Hi James, A combination of things really. Kelsey have turned Japfest and TRAX into a carpark over the past few years. Even when we purchase more tickets than the cars we are expecting, we still don't get enough space. We also didn't get much interest from members about the Kelsey shows which is a shame as I used to love Japfest.

  12. Hi Floz, am I to late to get a TRAX ticket ???


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. conrod


      Thanks I will sort it ASAP

    3. conrod


      Hi Floz, all sorted paid for rallyday and trax.

      all the best see you  there , stay flatout.

    4. ScoobieFloz


      Good Lad :thumbup:

      I cant wait


  13. Hi Floz, do you want to meet up Saturday evening when you get to newbury.

    let me know mate.         James

    1. ScoobieFloz


      Hi James, I will have to sadly decline. I will not be getting to Newbury til late so will probably have an early night ready for the early start in Sunday. Sorry.

    2. conrod


      no  probs floz, see you sunday morning for 7.30 kick off.

  14. Tickets purchased. Hi Floz, BBQ will be on let me know if you are coming over.
  15. until

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