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Everything posted by SEEVERS

  1. you need to PM me and i'm sure i can put you in touch with a man that can......... ....if you know what i mean
  2. Boabster come to the meet on the 28th and you'll see and hear an example of what you are getting as i've just had mine done there last weekend. Top Class
  3. Ricey,i've just fitted new wheels to my bugeye,keeping the originals for winter so they need to get powdercoated in the summer,your more than welcome to them for a month if you like.....please no kerbing... LOL Sort it out at the meet at the West Park on the 28th if you're there. Del.
  4. Very funny Mrs.Swig,NOT.
  5. The West Highway is now called the West Park Hotel just in case anyone thinks they have turned up to the wrong venue...nice place though,hope the car park aint too busy.
  6. Welcome along Andy........
  7. Wullie,you've really got me interested,what the f**k is this...?
  8. Spooks ma man,the rims are from midland wheels in leamington spa,my missus says by the time i type this message we'll have a new set(ask Swiggi he knows).They are really lightweight,they got delivered to my work wrapped up well and the lads thought it was just tyres.I will be at the Glasgow meet,hoping to speak to yourself about the most reasonably priced place to get my geometry done after the PRODRIVE springs get fitted . seeyou ALL there.
  9. Welcome Allan,hope all goes well with purchase.You are now the latest addition to this mad world of never having any money(as it's all in your scoob)but hey it's better than the real world.
  10. Thats correct mate
  11. Was quite funny though Jamie......
  12. Wullie,did you go in today to get a price for your downpipe...?
  13. Cal,i had one cat removed 2.5" stainless straight through with angled 5" backbox exit so that i didn't have to get 2 right angle bends put in................the cost a mere £379.....not much to pay for that beautiful noise...
  14. Well done Chrissy!! Just steel the keys when he sleeps! LOL
  15. heading for food again swiggi? Is that all u do, eat and talk about modifying your scoob? LOL
  16. Jamie, took the lights to a guy Swiggi put me in touch with,if i dismantle them myself he says he'll paint them and my wing vents for £40,i knew that other guy was trying to rip me off.
  17. got the new zorst fitted at C+C this morning,looks and sounds tremendous.......from peashooter to rocket launcher in 2.5 hrs what do you's think? see pics attached! These go on once the prodrive springs are fitted and my geometry is done!!
  18. my mate is takin the car over for me as i'll be in edinburgh on friday night so i wont get there till around 11,wouldn't mind a look at your toys in the flesh though if your there same time.
  19. all looks good wullie,getting some new toys myself at the moment, picked up rear morrettes today,new alloys arrive tomorrow,on claire's advice new exhaust gets fitted saturday morning at C+C(cheers) next week prodrive springs,crystal repeaters and wing vents woohooo
  20. awrite darren,welcome mate.
  21. Thanks just purchased my membership about 10 mins ago so when card comes through i'ts straight off to my local dealership(halleys) i go...........think the mechanic who does most of my jobs will be carrying out the work. thanks lads.
  22. Spooks where did you buy yours from that sounds a very reasonable price matey...?
  23. cheers you three,i,ve kept £400 aside to get this done so hopefully that will be enough.PRODRIVE kit seems to be the way to go then. Fraser that sounds like a plan to me mate,thanks.
  24. Just bought a new set of 17"s today(still in boxes)for MY01 bugeye,but will be keeping the original WRX ones as winter wheels(once refurbished). Would now like to get the car lowered so that both sets will look sweet when fitted,only problem is i have no idea where to start...relativley new to this modifying lark as most of you know. Would appreciate info on:-where to go/what brands to use/ideas on price/whats required to be done. Cheers in advance.....
  25. here here kartman.
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