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Posts posted by SEEVERS

  1. "An you can f**kk off an'all Cal"....lol

    Very funny new home owner....how was the move/is the house??

    It's not hit anything...the door closes fine...and it's not dropped.

    Like i said above,i'll take the door card off at w/e and give it a bit of lubrication,hopefully be just crap in

    it like Col says.

    Cheers for feedback though.


  2. When i put my wheels in to get coated in Feb or March i'm gonna contact them and

    get them to send me a set of them.......seemes like a much better idea.

    Still toying with the idea of a set of those Redlines to chop and change with aswell though.


  3. Terminator....i ask about 1 set of wheels that some thought were a bit chavvy

    and the next thing you know....you've got me decked out in chrome wheels,burberry tracky and lacoste

    slip ons...LOL

    Seriously though i'm wanting to buy Gumball's wheels and change them to hyper-silver,just

    wanted to make sure it could be done.


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