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Everything posted by adz_wrx

  1. Morning!! Just thought I'd mention that a few local scoobs from scoobynet are meeting at the Ferry Boat pub in Needingworth (just outside St Ives) on Saturday 15th December about 12:30 if anyone is interested. All welcome! Adam
  2. Won't be able to make it due to work but I really want to start getting involved in meets etc
  3. Where are they in Cambridge please anyone? I will have a look....been very happy at unity in peterborough but no harm in looking at what else is out there
  4. I don't drive my scoob daily anymore so it is a bit of a toy but for me its a hobby. My mate has a type r, i have the scoob, we spend weekends fitting parts, buggering about and having a laugh in the process. I've never been one for big body kits etc but genuine performance gains, it keeps me interested in the car. I'm coming to the point personally now where it will be a mod when it breaks but I think you have to put your stamp on it before you get to that....of all people Matt Le Blanc on top gear said that someone that knows nothing about cars shouldn't be able to buy the same car as you from the show room, thats just not fair and I find that far too true personally lol......rant over
  5. I blew my engine up and I have just had unity rebuild it and put cossy pistons in it but they are very by the book. Scoobyworld at loughborough are closer than scoobyclinic but I have visited both workshops and I can tell you mine is scooby clinic, their set up and reputation is awesome.
  6. I live in March mate so not far from you. For all my servicing and that I go to Unity at Peterborough. If you say Adam Graham sent you in they will unfortunately know exactly who you mean lol They've always been really fair with me and stock and fit all pro R parts. If your after a bit more, ie remaps etc I've started taking mine up to chesterfield to scooby clinic....long way but for the occasion that the dealership can't help, its not too bad
  7. I would say so! If nothing else it'll give you a very annoying EML light until you get it mapped for emissions.
  8. I've just ordered the drop links from pro-r with the poly bushes for the anti roll bars....I will let you know how that goes
  9. Anytime is good with me.....last working Friday of the month or later is always good = payday lol
  10. 1. Braveheart - Classic - 2.35 - 641bhp 600 lbs/ft 2. Wrx Kenny - bugeye - 2.5 - 311bhp 365 lbs/ft 3. badbaz - best looking one - only 2.0 - enough 4. adz-wrx - blobeye wrx - 2.0 - 235bhpish and no idea lol
  11. I'm thinking of eibach springs, anti roll bars with polybushes, drop links, new discs and pads all round, service, goes for 4 new tyres tomorrow....theres loads of other bits I'd love but money is an issue lol
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