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Dougs Scoob

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Everything posted by Dougs Scoob

  1. Ive got the RE070's fitted and think they are good in the snow. Everyone was stuck in my street this morning but not me!
  2. You can get either michelin or goodyear aeroblades in costco's for a tenner a blade. Havent tried them though so cant comment if they are any good. Anyone tried them?
  3. Hi. Sorry to burst your bubble but I've heard good and experienced bad with the lpg. The company cars at my work used to have lpg a few years back (vectras and astras). The cars didnt run well on it and on numerous occasions would cut out the engine whilst travelling on the motorway...the last place you want the engine to cut out! It was a problem for the company and they reverted to diesel cars. I know it was company cars and imo company cars are not treated well or serviced properly but after experiencing that, id never use lpg in the scoob. No chance.
  4. Found this for you mate. Sticking indicators I have heard of this before…usually on 2001 models but as yet I cannot say reliably what the cause of this is. Some indications point to a relay within the alarm unit, but others to a vehicle component. The M30 alarm system has only one relay which controls the indicator flash output. If the relay within the alarm were to stick in the closed position, then this would would usually bring both the LHS and RHS indicators on simultaneously, unless of course there is wear in the relay contact pivot. The possibilities are listed below in no particular order: If the sticking indicator can be traced to the alarm unit (ie tapping the alarm unit whilst the indicators are sticking, causes the lights to go out - just as you suggested!) then there are two practical options, unless you can source a similar relay and are competent soldering electronic components, then I would suggest either; i) The easy option - a replacement Sigma M30 control unit, either used or new from your Subaru dealer (part number SACC 3465 iro £70). In either case the new or used unit can be programmed for your vehicle and Radio Keys using the keypad......or ii) The cheap option - identify which indicator output (at terminals 16 and 17) is not “sticking”. Cut the “sticking” output wire and insulate the alarm side of the cut wire – this is no longer used. Now cut the good output wire and connect two diodes to the alarm side of this wire with the bands away from the alarm unit. Now solder the two remaining cut wires (harness side) to each of the diodes. The alarm unit on a 51 plate will be either to the left hand side of the glovebox (if you are lucky), or above the foot brake pedal (not so nice to remove). In either case the alarm unit is encased in a "gold" coloured metal enclosure roughly half the size of a video cassette. Other possibilities that could cause the indicators to stick are the vehicle’s indicator flasher relay or even the bulbs themselves if the original items have been replaced with aftermarket items of a different wattage (frequently found with silver faced bulbs) - the increased wattage can damage the contacts within the flasher relay over time. I hope that’s some help.
  5. From what ive read on the net it sounds likely to be high up under the dash at the drivers side. Well it is on the 98 and 2000 models. A right PITA to get to apparently. All I can suggest is try turning the indicator on and feel about for it. You should feel the relay clicking away in your hand. But in your case that wont help you. Is it just the left side not working? If so then feel about for the right side relay and the left one should be near it.
  6. What year is your car?
  7. Dont know for sure but could be in amongst the fuses under the bonnet. When you find it try tapping it with the handle of a screwdriver or something as this unsticks the relay (on most occasions). If not you will need to replace it. Ill try n find location of it for you.
  8. 1. STI Pretender 2. Mr McTwist 3. Mrs McTwist 4. Burgy_51_ 5. Burgy_51_ wife 6. Mr badbaz 7. Mrs badbaz 8. scooby222 9. Mrs scooby222 10. wrx kenny 11. wrx kenny + a random 12. imy 13. grant 14. empty heed 15. empty heed 2 16. bigbob 17. miss bigbob 18. terzo neil 19. Gumball 20. Midnight21 21. gbsti 22. Mrs gbsti 23. bobbyc 24. Mags 25. Des 26. Des's Mag 27. Dougs Scoob 28. Mrs Dougs Scoob
  9. Im tryin to get away from the standards! Haha! Anything but! Ive also heard blistein shocks are good.
  10. Looking for a full set of shocks at the moment and was wondering if these ones are any good? There going for a good price at camskill. Anyone had any good or bad experiences with them?
  11. Yeah Ive found that post on how to re-pack the shocks. I might try that first unless the shocks are actually beyond repair. Think the mechanic at Grieves said there was some "movement" in them when he had a quick check. Does this mean they need replaced or would I get away with re-packing the housing with new grease? For anyone looking for that post - http://www.scoobymods.com/04-sti-rear-strut-repacking-t9972.html?amp;
  12. Can you remember where you got it done Dave? Sounds like a great deal at the time. No doubt a lot more now but worth me following up. I'd love to go to the ball bud but as I said im out to dinner at my parents 30th wed ann. I'll defo be at the santa cruise. You going to that? Even the mrs canny wait!
  13. Mate- you sound more hacked off than me! Ive been there. Think im over it now and know im gona need to fork out. Lost my respect for Subaru in the process. Not Ian Grieve though. Theyve been really good to me and are as surprised as I am about Subaru's decision. Have to be thankful to Charlie and Gary. Ive been offered a deal for replacement shocks but they'll just go again so looking into these bc coilovers that everyones advising me on. I was also gona extend the warranty but NOT ANYMORE! What a waste of money. I was goin ballistic at the warranty company sayin its basicly an acknowledged problem with the part but they kept saying it was down to wear & tear. What the hell is he gona know- he sits at a desk all day! AAAAAHHHHHHH
  14. Yeah i was thinking I don't want to be done over twice by these faulty shocks. If you dont mind me asking how much did it cost you for the bc coilovers and did it include fitting? I could possibly do it myself if it's easy enough. Is it classed as a mod by insurance? Im gona give hypertech a call in the morning to see what they can offer too. Thanks Dave. Meant to ask you - did you get enough folk for the xmas ball?
  15. Thanks for getting back to me guys. Yeah car has 46k and bought from Grieves. They have been really helpful to me and have offered a discount on shocks but it'll still cost me around 700 for the 4 shocks and labour costs. Subaru really are tightening the purse strings at the mo. I'll need to weigh up my options. Those coilovers sound good at 5 -600 as you mentioned. Don't know much about them. Would that be cost for fitting aswell and would I get a better quality drive from them instead of the standard ones? If I could get away without it being classed as a mod I'd maybe do it. Sorry for all the questions but where would I get them from and/or fitted? Thanks again.
  16. Own a newage 06 sti and funnily enough the shocks are away! Have extended yrs warranty so took it back to Ian Grieve who confirmed all 4 shocks are faulty. Warranty had to view car before repair but have rejected repair as they now state faulty shocks are down to "wear & tear" and not a "mechanical breakdown" which needs to be the case to claim warranty repair. As i've heard A LOT on this forum and elsewhere, its a very well known problem with this model and most cases i've heard of on this forum has resulted in a warranty repair. I've been on the phone to warranty but they wont back down. Apparently subaru has now changed since August any faulty shocks are wear & tear and not warranty repairs anymore. Can anyone help me prove that this is a "mechanical breakdown" and not "wear & tear" as at £350 per shock (minus cost of labour) is gona cost me dear. Thanks in advance.
  17. Iv'e almost always used momentum. Cant feel any difference between it and shells V-power and never noticed the car struggling on it. Is V-power a better quality fuel to use?
  18. Sounds good to me. I'll be there. Canny wait!!! :biggrinsanta:
  19. I don't know mate. It's maybe worth taking it to them on a Saturday morning when their possibly quieter and they might check it for you. (Check they have a technician in first) They're really helpful that way. Give them a phone and im sure they'd check the fault code for you. You dont ask you dont get.
  20. Hawkeyes hold 60 litres so presume the RB320 will be the same. I know they cost a lot to run but its worth every penny!
  21. I totally agree. When I fill up the needle does hit the full mark but drops under it very quickly! Maybe after 5 miles its about 1mm under it. Thats with eco driving too. But 1/8th of a tank after 3 miles! Seems a lot. Find that the needle drops quickly with the first quater but always get at least 250 miles to a tank. How many miles you get to a tank?
  22. Thats a cracker mate! looks amazin. The new hatches keep growin on me!
  23. Thanks for your advice guys. Yeah its an extended warranty so ill take it back (myself this time)! Canny trust a woman to do anything haha! Pretty sure the shocks are included in the ext warranty. Apart from that the cars mint. Well the mrs managed to scuff the top of the lip on the lower front bumper! Wasnt a happy bunny when i came home from work that day! So need to touch it up or if that fails itll be a respray. Thanks again guys for your advice.
  24. Have a Hawkeye sti 06 plate, 45k miles. Bought car in january and have been hearing 2 seperate knocking noises. When reversing and turning hear a loud knocking noise from the front near side. Only really happens when turning and reversing. Doesnt need to be on full lock either to hear noise. Think im starting to hear it when drivin slowly too, which makes me think might be shock. 2nd noise is similar but not as loud. It's coming from the rear both sides when driving or when the car is moving on uneven ground. From the other threads ive read it sounds like the shocks. Since the car is still under warranty took it back to the subaru dealer in Falkirk I bought it from to get them to check it but they said they found nothing wrong and cant hear knocking noises. You cant miss the noise so dont know how they cant hear it! Makes me think they're bulls***tn me. Was the mrs that took it in aswell. How can i prove that they're is a fault(s) so I can get it repaired before the warranty runs out?
  25. I also bought my Scoob from Ian Grieves in January and have to say the guys were really helpful. Went out their way to help me. Will certainly go back for services etc. Glad you got your car repaired ok Scott.
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