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Andy GB270

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Everything posted by Andy GB270

  1. Well despite only having been on here a wee while and really only lurking I've traded in my GB270 today against a Mercedes. It's because of a number of reasons not least the fact that I'm doing nearly 60 miles a day and the cost of running it was becoming a bit daft. Plus a wee boy born in December who hated the noise and choppy ride (he'll be forgiven eventually lol). So, thanks for all the quality reading I've done. I loved every second of my year in a scooby and I know one day I'll be back (midlife crisis anyone?).
  2. I've taken mine off for the winter and I'll put it back on in a few weeks, I was more worried about it digging into the snow but I must say it doesn't half change the way the car looks.
  3. I think the The size and layout of the decals from the first image on the blue car would look incredible. I prefer the larger 'M' of the top one definitely but that said mate, it's your decision. We need photos when it's done!
  4. Managed to get mine repaired too, a tiny wee screw right in the middle of the tread. So pleased it didn't need a new tyre at this time of year!
  5. Thanks for this, I cleared mine after reading this earlier on and I'm glad I did having read some of the replies here. Stay safe, Andy
  6. I took the car out earlier to top up the tank and it fel like it was pulling slightly to the left on the drive home, so had a look at it when I got in and the NSF tyre was looking a bit low in pressure, so I thought. Just been out to the car to pop my stuff in it ready for the drive to work tomorrow and it's nursing a pancake instead of a tyre... Wonderful, they were only replaced a month ago so I'll have to pinch the wife's BLandrover tomorrow and have a proper look in the daylight. Anyone know of any good value tyre supplier / fitter in Glasgow or Ayrshire that isn't going to rub their hands with glee like Kwik Fit seem to?
  7. Not the best photo but it's stood next to mine to give you an idea.
  8. There's a guy called Ian in ayrshirescoobs running a gb270 with a black splitter, it looks fine mate.
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