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Everything posted by MarkJHarris

  1. Well so much for Flybe saving us..... I now work in Turkey. Commute home and the Scooby does all of 600 miles a year. I'll be commuting for work for the next 20 years now.....bummer.
  2. Good points. I drove cross the UK the other week, and saw maybe two scoobies all day long. On the Island, I can't drive anywhere without at least half a dozen going past me. This place is crawling with Imprezas of all ages, well, not many Hatches but that's no bad thing! I suppose they all drive about instead of sitting on their PCs!!!
  3. Strictly speaking it's not V power they have here. They apparently blend their own from normal premium unleaded. Supposed to be slightly better? Mine runs on it well enough and every Scooby I know always fills up at the Milestone on Peel road, Douglas. It's the one next to Mcdonalds on the way out of the town centre towards Quarterbridge. We use it because, with the volumes they do, it's the only one you can depend on being relatively fresh. Mark.
  4. Drove into London tonight and apart from three tatty Evo Vlll rat cars I didn't see a single Subaru out there. Not one of any kind. Is I against the law for anyone insid the M25 to purchase a Subaru then? Also glad Mr Livingston's £200million Kengestion Charge system can't figure out IOM plates too. Tried to pay up, honest!
  5. Mine's the Crystal Grey Hawkeye STi with Nurbergring sticker on the boot and Subaru Graphic on the upper wing vane. Also running silver wheels with plastic red edge protectors on right now. Governor's Hill resident. Private plate too. Front fogs also if you're coming the other way. Not that many hatches about on Mona's Isle still.
  6. Hi, I'm about most days hee (boring life). I'm in Douglas. considering the Island is absolutely full of Scoobies it is a shame so few pop on here. PM me if you want to meet up.
  7. No problems. I might try it again now the sound deadening is in place.

  8. Hi,

    How's your car coming on? Still want this backbox? I'm coming over in February and can bring it with me if you still want it. Mark.

  9. Hiya Dougie! My spec D was bought because I wanted a Hawkeye STi and it was the only local one I could find at short notice (previous lost on black ice). It's not really a Spec D any more with big wing and roof spoiler fitted- but I have the original and bootlid to match in the loft if I ever need it! There are now 4 on the IOM! But this place is a Scooby Redoubt- they're everywhere. The O.E. Sat Nav was pants so that went first-nice double DIN Alpine now. The supposed extra soundproofing was pants too, so there's loads of dynamat in mine now. Much nicer. Enjoy!
  10. Excellent! Any other Scooby owners up in GLA then? I'm just a lowly pilok here on the Island- I forgot to hide when they needed a numpty so some call me the "Pilot Base Manager"- but mostly it's filling coffee machines and sending company mail. Were you Loganair before Manx took over or arrived after?
  11. Yes, for my sins..... No Flymaybe jokes FFS! I moved to the Island to work for Manx Airlines and never left so after BA came and ruined nearly ruined it all Flybe pickup up the pieces and restored what was left. Godsend for the 72 of us that are left! I do miss the Manx days though...
  12. It went to Alan Jefferys in Plympton for an engine rebuild. Nice job too. My HQ is just up the road in Exeter so it worked out easier that way.
  13. Still for sale! I've laid the Scooby up now as I can't afford the fuel! Driving a taxi instead! one day I'll be back.....
  14. Bugger. The Prodrive rear box is just too noisy for me! Wakes the kids up at 5am when I go to work on early shift. Back to standard. Anyone fancy a nice clean shiny Prodrive back box? Fits onto O.E. or Prodrive mid section. Pm me if you want it!
  15. Right then. Normal service resumed. Big wing and big tailpipe....justa another scooby now..........
  16. I actually have two bootlids and two spoilers right now- plus a load of vinyl silver spots to put over holes which you can only see close up. decisions, decisions.......
  17. Finally time to post a picture. The Scoob has left the Island on it's summer Holiday. Four weeks in Devon without and engine....Can't wait to get it back and see how many ponies come with it....
  18. Colour coded? The middle bit is satin black, it's only the plastic trims on the sides that are coloured. Just finding a real one is hard enough, besides a lightweight fibreglass one is probably better as I can stick it on and not drill the C pillar. It is a Spec D so I need to be able to put it back to original if they ever go up in value...
  19. No. weather's too crap. Look on the US sites as it's all the rage to drop them low and remove the wing. Some look very nice...and some do not. I do fancy the upper blade on mine, but sticking a chweapo one on doesn't appeal. Subaru quote over £750 for the main piece alone!
  20. Don't panic! I got a s/h rear boot lid and genuine wing for my Hawkeye last month. Just to prepare I've took the WRX type rear spoiler off my car and have to say it looks sort of quite nice without one on! Well, different. Didn't realise the intracacy of the genuine spoilers. The WRX one has only four bolts, but a single plastic fitting and clip lug mount on each side too, plus the wiring for the LED light. You often hear ads for the STi style spoilers saying you can use the holes and perhaps drill a couple more for security....let's just say this is why I have NEVER seen a replica fit properly. The proper STi has a pair of the clips on each side and a total of 13 studs and nut fittings. Plus the six bolts that join lower to upper- and two of the lower fixings are actually ends of the wire lanyard that goes up and over through the upper spoiler. Over 70 parts in total to a genuine spoiler. The torsion bars in the boot are bigger too, as the WRX spoiler weighs next to nothing, BTW. Just need to save up for the roof vane now.
  21. Indeed- Welcome to the fold. There are loads of Scoobies on the Island, but few post here for some reason. I wave at others, and several members here are good to chat to. Most of us get fuel at the Milestone in Douglas as the Super Unleaded is reasonably fresh and high turnover there. See you there one day. Mine's a Spec D in Crystal Grey. Hawkeye like yours. Wing and roof blade coming this year so it'll be just another STi but with leather trim...
  22. Fuel is now £1.41p per litre so most of us are driving like grannies as a result. Wonderful Manx roads covered in pot holes or crap repairs so not much fun right now. ~~Of course it all gets magically repaired just in time for June.....
  23. Sorry, we're all to shocked by £140.9 to write much nowadays.....
  24. Good to see some do then. It is weird when I remember too late i'm not in the scoob. but he ho. Better wave than not.
  25. I've just noticed not many of us wave at other scoobies round here. I'm probably a sad git, and have to remind myself waving at a scoobie from a van or my wife's espace is a bit daft and no wonder I get weird looks.... Sorry. I'm the numptie in the silver hawkeye spec D. looks like a WRX, goes like a wound up STi.
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