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howard a

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About howard a

  1. If the Romans had snowploughs, they would have driven their snowplough in a straight line across the ice. Thankfully this snowplough driver was pissed and created a rally stage of almost 90 corners (yes, I counted!). Fantastic, amazing driving by Colin
  2. Standard Impreza Turbo 2000, MY 2000, not sure what the standard torque figure should be, but power is about right.
  3. Agreed, when the price difference is only a few quid anyway why waste time looking for something cheaper? More cash to be saved by shopping around for insurance and tyres (still decent ones though) and dare I say it, a less heavy right foot on the gas....
  4. The latest flying car has a WRX engine. Watch Sky 177, Channel 5+1 at 9pm to see it again. http://gadgetshow.channel5.com/gadget-show/blog/episode-1-the-flying-car
  5. Not sure the bike ever stopped....................a bit like 'Run Forrest Run'.
  6. My reputation has rocketed to '2' Cheers
  7. Have noticed 'Warn Status' on my profile, what's that mean? Doesn't sound good
  8. Looks good, can't miss it on the road Hope you get issues sorted soon.
  9. Hello and welcome. I'm in Maidstone. Can't help with the fault though I'm afraid, I would be guessing. Trouble is we don't seem to have any Scooby specialists is this area of the country. I've been using Rowleys in Devon for the past year, the saving in labour costs compared to the dealer has more than paid for the fuel there and back! http://subarutuner.co.uk/
  10. Surely it's got to be...... http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201303245923368/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/make/subaru/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/postcode/me156sr/page/3/radius/1500?logcode=p Cash offer will leave enough to fix the light.
  11. Gold, well silver, at the end of the rainbow.
  12. Amazing what a £1,500 car can do! The local army just appears from nowhere and the roads get 'repaired' quicker than those in the UK, brilliant. I have read countless Scooby owners reports on modding their car, vortex exhausts, pink injectors, front mount intercoolers, whiteline this that and the other, but how many of you can say you have a kitchen in the back of your wagon? You really can live in your Scooby.....as long as you no more than 5' 7'' !
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01r5xcq Includes Impreza in their bid to find the definitive source of the Nile. Should be good.
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