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Rick N

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Everything posted by Rick N

  1. There seems to be many Subarus here in the Shire, so it stands to reason that there should be some on here. Let's have a show of hands and then let's get some meet ups booked!
  2. As above, help me find my home!
  3. Who do I talk to Rach? It's all changed since I was last here!
  4. Can't pay at the moment so I've filed a ticket
  5. Could be interested! need to sort my membership first though!
  6. Just a quick show of hands from anyone in Bedford, and if it's ok with the RO can we get a meet together one weekend soon?
  7. it will only be for a few years until i can get a 'proper' one lol
  8. Well, I sold it. Bought a diesel 4x4 which i will run for a few years then when the Chrissie is qualified and we can afford it I will get an STi... with any luck a 2011 saloon... I got fed up of being overtaken by $hitroen Paxos so i got something that has no pretences of being fast but has a removeable roof and will be a bit of fun
  9. I will pop along for a little while although i'm without Scooby now for a while
  10. Fantastic day guys, it was great to put names to faces! hope to run in to you all again soon
  11. tummys and fuel tanks
  12. And a Maccy d's breakfast!
  13. Of course hun, All your work is appreciated muchly
  14. 1.6 Capri Laser loved it to bits, cost me £100 and cost £600 to get road worthy i'll see if i can find some pics
  15. Likewise fella i'm only making an appearance to get to know some faces and grab a Maccy D's breakfast of course might steal your headlights while your not look too
  16. Bloody hell Ace your a bit keen wanting to run that early lol, suppose you'll set a good benchmark I on the other hand am only attending for the crack as i suspect my car would only embarrass me on the rollers :D
  17. That would be AWESOME!
  18. Mine are now but it only me down here lol, having Ruby and the R down the street from me would be pure pr0n lol
  19. I have a kestral DAS polisher which is a random orbital i'd be well up for a mass car cleaning session, the only problem would be the venue! i can only fit 2 cars on my drive otherwise i'd happily volunteer
  20. Lol if we went down my little road i think Chrissie would lynch me Oh well
  21. No mate, just an expensive hobby, learning how to do paint correction as well Joe (ChewJC97) is your man for Detailing and the such
  22. Think we should all swing past my house and wake the wife (and most of the neighbours) up!
  23. Hi Matty, thanks for asking First Auto Rae chems snow foam, Then wash with Bilt Hamber auto wash (2BM), Then use a Bilt Hamber Claybar with either CG detailer or Megs detailer, Then either Bilt hamber auto balm or megs stage 1 paint cleaner, Then CG Race Glaze Finsh with a wax of choice either Collinte 476 or Petes 53 Any good to you?
  24. if you don't mind the drive over i'd be happy to do it for you you have to make tea though
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