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Everything posted by l55bat

  1. I've only ever had one person alongside at the lights giving it the look. M3 driver (older shape). Lots of reving and nudging the car forwards waiting for the lights to change. I switched on the lag and launch and held it on the limit for a bit before the lights changed. He laughed and waved me on My mums got a wagon and she doesn't get any bother, but the couple of times she has been driving mine she has had hassle. Mainly people wanting to look I think. She is 65
  2. Yup, fit a nice AP Racing brake bias lever. Make the back brakes do something. They are very front biased otherwise.
  3. I think if you are keeping the std panels etc and just removing all you can then adding a cage you will be at around 1150. Maybe 1100 if you really start looking for things to drill or remove. Cage and welds are going to add 60kgs.
  4. I just don't think he was very prepared for what a Time Attack car can do. Only a club level one at that. He said that he really enjoyed it, and kept giving me the thumbs up all the time we were driving round.
  5. Went on the CADS trip to Anglesey race circuit and took a few people out in the passenger seat. This is one of them. Make sure you have sound on.
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