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Everything posted by spot2

  1. Magic response..........thanks all I phoned Litchfield and they advised that they had one set of the STI callipers left. I said that as I wasn't overly keen on redrilling the discs (Incidently the chap I spoke to agreed that he wouldn't do it either!) would I be able to use the callipers with other aftermarket discs ie the performance friction discs or the like. The gent didn't think this would be possible..................he is the expert and he defo seemed to know his onions but does anyone have any idea what problems this would pose? I figured that the calliper wouldn't mind what PCD disc it clamped itself too as long as it was the same width. Any and all responses welcomed (even if it is just to shoot me down in flames and call me a fud!) Cheers Graham P.S. Thanks Mystery for the concern but it I have 'waddled' on the badboy as it is for 14 years and outwith driving (and even then its uncomfortable rather than painful) it doesn't really bother me too much however if Messrs Smith/McCoist were to give me the call...................
  2. Thanks Stephen, I will certainly give it a look, .........as to being heavy on the brakes, I have no cartilage in my right knee resulting in a stabbing movement of my right pin (a smooth driving style it is not) rather than it being down to excessive speed or some vain attempt at late braking!
  3. Hi there, I am in urgent need of new brakes for my MY03 WRX. If you had £1000 to spend what would you get and where from? My Impreza 'oracle' from Cairneyhill has suggested Compbrake and is investigating as we speak but I would be curious to hear alternative suggestions. I have 17" wheels so would be restricted to 330mm in size (clearance on Brembos and the like shouldn't be an issue as using 10mm hubcentric spacers on ET50 wheels). My intention for the rears is purely uprated pads and replacement discs. Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance Graham P.s. It is a daily and only used for fastroad driving, car is running approx 290/290 and I have been reliably informed that I am heavy on the brakes. P.P.s the hypothetical part was due to a study-invasion mid post by my 'better' half
  4. Unbelievably twice now whilst on 'spirited' runs around Caithness I have had the misfortune of hitting some very large seagulls. The first time, 90% of the scoop tore clean off and the big 'seaside rat' cracked the windscreen on it's way to birdie heaven! The second time (only days after buying a second hand WRX scoop, I had been using an STI replica whilst I located an original) I was travelling on exactly the same stretch of road when, I can only think a disgruntled family member of NO.1 seagull took aim at my bonnet and successfully tore the entire thing off. This one at least had the decency to miss the windscreen......................... in hindsight maybe the score should read Scoob 2-0 Seagulls!!
  5. Cal, Looking great, nice and subtle. Did you fit the front-mount yourself? and did you run it before with the top-mount? I am having a problem keeping scoops on the car (seagulls 2- scoob 0) and fancy the idea of the losing the scoop completely but already feel the car is a tad 'weak' lower in the rev range and don't want to worsen the situation. Has the driving experience changed markedly? (My car is currently running approx 290/290 at the mo') regards Graham
  6. I am currently running Tein Superstreets on my 54plate WRX with the vast majority of what Geo has described. Geo supplied and fitted all the ancillaries (not the coilovers themselves) and I can not begin to explain the improvement this has made. Send Geo a Pm re. what you are looking for.........................you won't regret it (but your bank balance might!!) Cheers Graham
  7. Great write up....................keep it coming!! Looking forward to the next instalment Cheers Graham
  8. Quite right!! My car has also been mapped by Mr Forrest (on V power) and has not had any issues using the 98ron super unleaded.........................................so far!!
  9. RSGrants' (incidently whom I have never meet) car is just about the finest car I have ever laid eyes on. Unbelieveably the price he is seeking for it at the mo' is exactly what I paid for a bog-standard WRX 54 plate (including trade in of my old classic wagon) from Eden Subaru just 12 months ago!! It keeps me awake at night...................................... sad I know but true!
  10. MY GOD ....thats magnificent!! After a skinful of home-brewed Romanian whisky I thought I would have a wee scour for p0rn............................. I've found it!!! Good job gents, good job
  11. I know I am in a huge minority here but I have great love for the low level spoiler. (Terrible admission coming up) MANY, MANY moons ago I trial-fitted one on my Mk IV Astra Those that don't like it on the Scoob would have howled with a mixture of shock, horror, laughter and sorrow!! (thankfully no documented proof survives!!) Those weren't the days..................................... And yes Buffalo I am pondering the Zero sport raisers at the mo' although the missus is loving the Orciari 4 piece number (but until she starts washing the badboy she has no rights in that department as far as I am concerned!!)
  12. Cupar is still servicing too Regards Graham
  13. Thanks all, I will run with 12ml and 1.25 pitch (cheers Welsho) and if it all goes t1ts up I will just re-tap the swine myself!! Shame that's the end of the 'knob' gags though
  14. I too would be up for a wee trip down to Inverness chaps cheers Graham
  15. Thanks ScoUk that would be fantastic. When I had the Carbon Race Air fitted on my old Classic I too had a bad case of the shakes. I found a big dod of Blu-tac rammed under the rim did the trick! Paul the 'nut' idea is inspired, thanks Mystery, the way this thread is going with the old double-entendres it wouldn't surprise me if Frankie Howerd posted............................................. "Ooh no Missus"
  16. That's a fine looking knob you have yourself Cal!! Bizarrely I sold the very same 'knob' (except carbon) just yesterday for a measley £10.50 on fleabay (tem number: 130290538243) I am having a custom 'knob' made (hotrod stylee) and the chap requires the exact thread pattern etc. to ensure compatability. Unfortunately he is in Brighton but I think I will just post him the standard leather affair and he can work from that. Thanks again for your help fella Graham
  17. An unusual request I know but could anyone advise of the diameter and pitch of the thread used on an MY04 Impreza WRX gear knob? Thanks in advance Graham
  18. Thanks Cal, Look forward to getting back down to civilisation and meeting you (all) too Usually someone with the knowledge of Geo(metry......love it fella) can bore the hole off you but I could have spent all day talking with the man. 'A scholar and a gent' as my old da' used to say (That sounds like he's dead which he isn't but I digress) infact Geo even offered to sort my Dad out with servicing on his E-Class, I reckon if i had taken my daughter he would have done her homework then gone round to my Ma's for the hoovering!! Absolutely nothing was too much trouble. Thanks again Graham
  19. Car looks absolutely brilliant........especially those Advans (they are aren't they?). I feel that I should have a moral obligation to dislike 3 spoke alloys but i don't, i love 'em! If the car drives as it looks you are one lucky man!! Cheers Graham
  20. A couple of months ago I posted a thread requesting info on where I could discuss my suspension set-up and possible changes I wanted to make. I was initially concerned that i would be ignored, as although I am fully paid-up (this is my second time), I have by no means been an active member. However I needn't have been concerned as I got a great response. I was especially intrigued by a PM from a 'Kid' in Cairneyhill. After many phone calls and countless emails discussing what I had already, what I wanted and most importantly what the 'Kid' advised I needed, we finally agreed on what was required. The beauty of this was the 'Kid' could source and fit everything we had decided upon AND he 'sounded' like he knew what he was talking about!! The day of fitting finally drew near so I undertook the 300 mile trip from Thurso to Cairneyhill to finally put a face to the gently lilting voice I had grown so accustomed too. I was not to be disappointed. You would struggle to find a finer looking man in the whole of the Kingdom (of Fife). I knew I had made the right decision not long after meeting Geo as the kettle was on before the front door was shut! A few brews later and I left my 'Pride and Joy' in what I hoped would be capable hands. I know I should have stayed to photograph the fitting but it was Valentines Day and my good lady deserves the best. So I took her to B&Q and left Geo to it!! I already had coilovers (Tein Superstreet without the topmounts) fitted and Geo was pleasantly surprised with these (although it stuck in his craw to say it, i'm sure) so they would remain in place. The following, however, was fitted: -Whiteline 22ml front anti-roll bar -Whiteline 24ml rear anti-roll bar -Whiteline Front and rear droplinks -Whiteline anti-lift kit -Whiteline front adjustable topmounts. In our initial conversations I had advised Geo that I was concerned about uneven tyre wear after fitting the coilovers and would require the camber/castor rectified (incidently I run Eibach 10ml hub-centric spacers all round). The adjustable topmounts sorted this right out and also allowed Geo to show his engineering prowess. Nopt only did he have to fabricate nuts to marry Tein and Whiteline components together but he also used his many, many years experience (bumping ideas of an equally knowledgeable colleague) in deciding to turn the topmounts through 180 degrees to allow for maximun castor adjustment (the car was already 'well cambered').......................truly genius. Anyhows, back to my initial opening gambit, "Is there anything better than the return trip from Andy F's?.......... ........quite possibly the return trip from the magician of Cairneyhill! I could not believe the difference in how the car behaved. Turn-in was considerably sharper and understeer was a thing of the past. Bizarrely enough the suspension seemed more compliant too. It did however show up the need for wider wheels and rubber (thankfully already safely stored in my garage in Thurso). I can safely say that the only previous time I had a grin THAT big for THAT long was on the way back from Port Seton and this was equally as awe-inspiring...........maybe even more so. Upon arriving home I fitted my new wheels (Compomotive TH3s) and rubber (a controversial choice 225/45/17 Vredstein Ultrac Sessantas, not cheap but really sticky and quiet to boot) and turned the suspension down another 5ml. I can honestly say I didn't know a car could handle that well particularly as my driving has been compared to that old bird from Driving school! So a big thank you to the club for making me feel so welcome and a huge thank you to George (Cusco Kid) for your help, patience and incredible knowledge of all things Subaru. Cheers Graham P.S. George also serviced my old beauty AND stamped the book all for a sum considerably less than my local (120 miles away lol) main dealer was asking.
  21. sorry m8 but that was just you mind playing tricks with your sencess .the top strut mountings dont move that much the opposite should happen ,the strut brace should promote more front end grip if it stiffens up the top mounts . handling on a unitary construction bodyshell is only as good as the torsional regidity of the shell ,ie if the shell twists as the suspension loads up ,the result is poor handling .thats why top rally teams and good rally car or race saloon builders build a roll cage that have multi pick up points througout the shell. they all locate to the rear suspension turrets and front top mounts as well to feed suspension loads into them like a space frame inside the car. the stronger the bodyshell is the better the handling, the longer the shell will last and give driver and co driver more protection in an accident . cars now are made out of H.S.L.A.S, thats High Strength Low Alloy Steel, for low weight and as much strength as possible .a ring cage is put in at the design stage to give regidity and passenger crash protection the classic subaru now getting on in years needs all the help it can get hence roll cages strut braces under braces all play a part in our performance tunning ,corrossion and old age can affect the ability of the shell to do its job., next time you are in a scrapyard lookin for bits have a look at some of the older cars and look at how the corrossion has weakend the structure of the bodyshell cheers geo You beat me to it George, almost word for word what i was going to put!! lol Graham
  22. Thank you all for your help with this. I was initially concerned that nobody would reply to my post but i am thrilled with the response. I will indeed be travelling down for the Snowman rally so hope to meet some of then. A big thank you to the Cusco Kid also and apologies for calling so late!!
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