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Everything posted by ryan_gwa

  1. Ive not really got the time or some space at the moment to break it. Ive got a ERST that I'm welding up at the moment, taking up alot of time, hence selling the wrx.
  2. Yeah I have the logbook, keys etc (has a Sigma Cat 1 alarm too, surprisingly for an import). The colour is 406 silver? I think.
  3. I have a 93' WRX rolling shell (everything bar the interior and engine) that Ive decided I need rid of. It was first intended to be used and abused as a track car, but recently Ive been going back to old Fords. Hence the loss of interest. Are the shells worth much as the bodywork is generally good. What do people think? Ryan
  4. Ahh I was watching that car on pistonheads a couple of weeks back! Really, really smart car. Welcome!
  5. Two of my studs on my turbo sheared when the Cat came off for its MOT. So I need a new gasket set since the turbo has been removed, but im struggling to find any without going to Subaru dealers. Similar to this im after. eGay Had alook on Scoobyworld, Camskill and Import Car parts. Ryan
  6. Just noticed this thread Rollo, you never let on you had bought a scoob. Last time I spoke to you, you had bought that BMW. The Type-R is looking good in that thread and I spot the Civc Monster Truck in the background! Next time your down Dundee gives a shout.
  7. It's very mildly scored, and its not at the cylinder closest to the turbo either which is strange, complete other end in fact. The car isnt worth buying a whole new crank, not unless I was prepared to spend silly money on building it up.
  8. My crank needs a polishing after abit of bottom end damage. Anyone recommend anywhere? Ryan
  9. I got pulled the other weekend by traffic cops because my MOT ran out two days before. Luckily you only get a £60 fine. Next year I will pay more attention to my dates on the calender! Another thing, why do cars need a front number plate yet motorbikes are exempt?
  10. Nah it doesnt work at all when the hazrards or unlocking/locking my car. Im in Leuchars, fife, not far from Dundee. I will print that off at work and have alook. Had the multimeter out today and im getting no power and there is resistance along the cable! Many, many thanks!
  11. Nice one mate! Should be a nice build.
  12. Tried all of them this evening and its still not working.
  13. The main relays in the engine bay? I will give that a bash cheers!
  14. Can anyone help? My back right indicator has stopped working and I've changed the bulb. Used a multimeter and I'm getting no power from the plug. Every other light is working. Checked all my fuses and nothing seems wrong. Has anyone else had a similar problem or is there another fuse anywhere else? Any help appreciated!
  15. How is that a 52 plate? Thought the last of the classics came out on an X reg?
  16. As Big D said. You can barely get the sump off with the engine still in its place.
  17. Merry Christmas, and cheers for the help the few times I've phoned for help!
  18. Cheers for the replies guys, need to go and have a look then. Want rid as its taking up vital space!
  19. How do tell, im sure I read that its something to do with hatch markings? And...are they worth anything broke? I maybe have one with bottem ends gone. Ryan
  20. Aye, he maybe doesnt think the same! Probably trying to be Ken Block - ice version.
  21. Looked similar to mine! Had to check it was still outside cos im not far down the road in Balloch. On another note, how much does the Impreza pay for itself in bad/snowy conditions? Excellent car.
  22. Some of the holes have metal bungs in them, but I found they got mangled by my air-chisel. The only way I found was do the above and cut mild steel into a similar shape and weld. Not always the prettiest but the seats and paint covers most. All for go and not for show, I suppose.
  23. What are you doing about all the drain holes underneath the sound deadning? Im at your stage except a roll cage isnt in and I wasnt sure wether to weld them over?
  24. Probably just dampness in the MAF sensor. Mine comes on if the car gets soaked for example if im stuck behind a lorry on a wet road etc.
  25. Would love too! Wrong time of year and I think I maybe changing after xmas aswell.
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