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Everything posted by brianm

  1. Single track is fine for me....although I'll have a shiney new front end by then....hopefully - if you're concerned you can always drop back from the car in front. Obvously the format at the hotel in Ullapool worked well....but i'm sure this could be arranged anywhere....even if it's a restricted menu in a restaurant.
  2. The problem is NOBODY thinks their driving is dangerous, everyone doing less speed than you is safe, anyone doing more is a potential child killing maniac! One persons 'spirited drive' is another persons 'if there was stationary car just out of sight on the next bend you would struggle to stop and therefor dangerous'. When you were 17 did you think some or your driving was dangerous? Looking back do you think the same? No doubt I drive in some people's opinion dangerously......as will 99% of the population in the eyes of an old codger who drives at 40mph regardless of the speed limit. I dont believe it's to top up money, look at the cost to society if a car of 15-17year old kids are killed....not just the immediate Emergency Services costs or the economic costs of delaying a few thousand people due to a road closure but their contribution to the economy over their lives...maybe £1.5M each? You only need to stop a couple of these accidents to eclipse the money erned in fines. The entire speeding fine collection per year is significantly LESS than Simon Cowells Income Tax bill. On the other side, can you imagine the carnage if all fixed and mobile cameras were scrapped?
  3. Forget Xmas - this is what i'm looking forward to now!
  4. I believe by law all petrol cars sold in the UK must be able to run on 95ron fuel. SO you wont damage it on 95; try a couple tanks of both and see if you see a difference in feel, pick up and economy then decide.
  5. It will be an interesting day in the courtroom. Suspect: - Judge, I put it to you, that I could drive the car MUCH safer and more responsibly DRUNK than the police could SOBER!
  6. I had a chav in a corsa (1.0/1.2 maybe) try and race me last night on the way back from the cinema - he took what can only be described as a 1/2 melted whittled mashmallow to a BFG (for you doom fans) contest.
  7. Not saying the guy had rebadged it but reminds me of the A4 Diseasel taxi that used to operate in Aberdeen with a RS4 badge on it........whats the point? If you know what an RS4 is you KNOW it's not one; if you dont know what an RS4 is you dont notice or care.
  8. No turbos? The current RS6s is a 580bhp V10 Twin Turbo. 0-125mph in 12.7 seconds.
  9. Very well done to all the organisers on a very well run event! It was only a concept...... not one that i'll be persuing further. p.s. If anyone else has photos of me on the track...... could you send me a copy? :-) brianmarr at hot mail dot com
  10. lol - it's kind of a company car and can be required for meeting/transporting clients. I was in at Paint Technic today for a quote - if it gets fixed soon i may just leave it....or......now you have me thinking; I recently made a clock for my garage (12 spoke alloy wheel with clock workings mounted in the middle)......... ....I might keep the wing after the repair and mount it above the clock complete with stickers....will have to see how it looks. C_WRX - sorry i think i may have hi-jacked your thread.....slightly
  11. Thanks StewartyBoy Balistic - I sure was, I could not turn up to the 'fling in a beat up shed. I'll going to try get them off this weekend - dont think it's fully appreciated at work.....but I get quite a few smiles on the road!
  12. If it's just text use antgraphics I got the following done last month for about £10 delivered. Great quality, stick well (as i found out trying to take them off on Sunday!) and for window stickers you can have them sticky on the front or back depending on what side of the glass you want to stick them. I dont know how much it would be for them to copy a design or logo.
  13. All you need after that is a gear selector and control of the stearing wheel! Remember the bond film with the remote controlled BMW?! On the safety side and concerns over it jamming open or revving during driving the car. You could fit a basic 'manual mode' switch in the car that would lock out the iphone while driving......or (probably your favoured 'hi-tech' solution) if you are fitting proximity sensors the iphone control could auto disable if anyone is in the car or the GPS has registered movement in the last 10minutes?....unless you switch it to a continuous iphone control mode, which you could use at shows or whatever. You have probably already though of different/better ways to do this though?!
  14. Yeah - it was a great weekend, hats off to Dave and Al for the route and the arrangments for the meal, SSSOOO much easier thean last time?! Good to meet the familiar and not so familiar faces too. To be honest i've been thinking of seling my scoob for a while; I thought I was getting bored of 4WD - the car getting a bash in Winter made me decide to sort it and keep it a while longer. Me :- But on the road to Applecross and the drive North of Poolewe it all made sense again, then it started raining and it made perfect sense. There's no other car I would rather driven, and not much else as capable and fun in those roads and weather condtions. I think i'll keep it for a while yet!
  15. Lewis - there's no hurry! - how about.... 0700 - meet A96 Blackburn layby (westbound!) http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sour...mp;t=h&z=16 0715 - leave for Elgin 1. LewisScoob 2. BrianM 3. 4. 0745 - At Morgan Mcveighs pick up: - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sour...mp;t=h&z=14 1. Hoss 2. 3. 0845 - meet B&Q car park, Elgin, 0900 - leave for Inverness 1. Scooby Doom 2. ScoUK 3. sczscoob 4.Tommo9375 5.
  16. Anyone else travelling to Inverness from Aberdeen/Elgin? Hoss Boss, Lewisscoob and I will be travelling through from Aberdeen if anyone else wants to join? ----- Edit with meeting times.... 0700 - meet A96 Blackburn layby (westbound!) 0715 - leave for Elgin http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sour...mp;t=h&z=16 0745 - At Morgan Mcveighs pick up others http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sour...mp;t=h&z=14 0845 - meet B&Q car park, Elgin, 0900 - leave for Inverness
  17. Honey Roast Ham, Brie and Red Apple for me!
  18. Yeah it was a great weekend, thanks again to the organisers, exceptional job! It was nice to meet everyone too!
  19. ...in the absence of a Sky meet, i might have to come to the island one off the west coast! smartas$es!
  20. It was good day and looking forward to the next....might have to put my name down for SkyE now!
  21. Indeed i am, i assume we had a few beers in the cooperage a few weeks ago - Gary right?!
  22. Depending on the snow watch i'll be there! 1) Jonboywrx + Debs 2) Cruz104 3) Paul555sti 4) Scoobysailor and family 5) Bobby C 6) Maxxed_Ross 7) ryan_gwa 8) imy + grant 9) scooby222 10) Stubaroo + Lindsy + family 11) NKWRX+ Niall 12) STI Pretender 13)Windy1945 14) Midnight21 15) scoobyit 16) Higgy. will try and make it to this one. 17) empty heed 18) BigBev 19) Cullenmin 20) Shelly_Scooby newbie but I will be there 21) pmac (with new clutch!) + 3yr old car mad son 22) fivetide and family 23)billyboystoys biggrin.gif 24) Irish Al & Lyndsey 25) neill54 + my son luis 26) Jac 27) RS Grant 28) Melly Doo 29) Scoobymark + mark jnr 30) selkie + the ex leper 31) Fai17 32) Hoss (if i'm still at home) 33) Stuart, Michelle and Conor. 34) Karps 35) CRAIG D + Kenzie my son (only if sum1 speaks to me HAHAHA) 36) ScottyRB320 and the wee man 37) Corsa 38) BalliSTIc 39) BrianM
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