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Everything posted by brianm

  1. I've collected a few tips from others over the years: - Depending on you plans for Sat night an exhaust bung WILL be a good idea for Sunday! - Me, most years! Don't assume the car in front knows where they're going........infact don't even assume the impreza in front is with our group.....people get scared when popping back from the shops and 10 imprezas pull into their drive! - 2009/Every year! Take a full size spare incase you get a puncture and restricted to 50mph for the rest of the trip - Hoss 2009 Ensure wife takes travel sick pills incase you need to dash to a tyre fitters in Inverness - Al 2010 Don't assume other people in the group even know what an impreza looks like, especially when urging you to follow 'that yellow scoob' - blame was contentious on this one.... Glyn or Del?! 2010 When leaving your car ensure you take your keys with you and don't lock your self out! - ???? and Badger both in 2011 Pull well over when allowing bike riding knobs past, under all circumstances assume they're stupid and blind........fully expect them to run into the bike in font and wedge themselves into your wing, although, in his defense he was maybe wondering what the white South Korean looking hatchback was doing in middle of our Subaru run - Me 2011 Beware suicidal wildlife trying to ruin your fun on the days leading up to the fling - Dave 2012 Don't bring an S3 as a replacement for your wildlife damaged scoob; scoop envy leads them to overheat and stop boosting at the most inappropriate times! - Dave also 2012
  2. One for sale on Aberdeen Scoobies facebook page - make your own mind up on the price but I'm sure he would take less.
  3. You'll be fine, just remember: - Aye = Yes Aye Aye = Hello Aye aye aye = Whatever! Fit fit fits fit ski = What foot fits what ski? It'll be a braw bricht moonlicht nicht the nicht = It will be a nice bright moonlit night tonight.
  4. We'll be there for 8.30, give me a call if any problems or you head off earlier 07909936723
  5. True - That's why Don and I stayed in Inveness last year......but he met a new lady that night....he's just moved to Beijing to get away from her! (yes, really!)
  6. ^ Now that's funny! I'll speak with Lewis tonight and let you know....but that's a 6.30 meeting for us. What about an 8.30 departure from Elgin?
  7. Lewis and I will be heading through from Aberdeen....but I've no plans to be in Elgin by 8am.
  8. My car had this when I purchased it. Put your car on a rolling road and get it checked out. Has your car been mapped? Have you changed the exhaust or removed the cat? My car was boosting up to 21psi, than backing off under 14 then back up and down. Some time on the rolling road later and it pulls so much smoother.
  9. The pump is easier to do with the rear seats out iirc, it's only a few bolts to get them out anyway. LOL @ baz, been there, done that, we pushed Lewis' car out of his employers workshop before starting it 'just incase'
  10. Does anyone with a Twin room at the Ugi want to swap for a double (wife/mistress or just feeling lucky?!)? I have someone else coming along, so a twin room would be ideal for us.
  11. I've got a couple 20ltr jerry cans, if anyone has needs to borrow one for the weekend let me know. I'm just planning 97/98 and octane booster.
  12. Yes/no - they've admitted liability but it been me doing (not doing) the leg work so it's not been fixed yet. The girl is from Peterhead....pretty much like Weegies but rougher ! I don't want to turn up to the fling with another stickered wing......people will think I go through FOS wings like tanks of petrol!
  13. I just had a mind heart attack as the OH said 'Is that not the weekend we're down at Glasgow at Mrs Browns Boys?' Thankfully it's not. Back to Applecross - great news......I'll maybe get to travel back across/down the road this year! The guy who was with me last year (Don) met a girl in Inveness on the Friday before the run last year and they're still going out and considering moving to China....could it be the 1st 'fling induced marriage (although we HAVE had a proposal on the trip before)? Any bonnet ornaments this year will be taken as a souvenir....still not had the damage fixed from last year.....must do in time for the fling!
  14. If you want to save the trip I sould be able to got parts into Aberdeen - I work with one of the LoK partners wife. Yes - Subaru actually gave them (Reekie IIRC?!) an ultimatim.....move to Inverness or have the dealership revoked. One of the more memorable drives when i was young....taking a run out with my dad when he picked up his 1st turbo.
  15. Great weekend with cracking roads / food / banter with the usual suspects and a few new faces too. As it may have been mentioned above above it was a shame we had a small incident with the bike (GSXR 750 actually...not that it resembled one when we laid eyes on it). But cest la vie, and at least no one was hurt (and I was stationary at the time!). I'm not going to put pictures up publicly just now but feel free to add me to Facebook where they will be viewable. I'd appreciate if other with pictures respect that until all the formalities are taken care of.
  16. Don't worry my tyre will be available for a phenominal fee if anyone comes unstuck
  17. Weight?! Next there will be a post asking if anyone can take his suitcase manbag I'm taking a full size spare tyre incase, hopefully the wheel will survive.
  18. I'll most likely drive through to Inverness on Sat morning. Previously it's not been bad doing all the miles in one day as there is usually a few stops/pickups just outside Aberdeen, Morgan McVeighs, Elgin then a good blether in Inverness before hitting the road.....although I know you value your bed in the morning!
  19. Any objections to posting this in Aberdeen Scoobies?
  20. I'd be up for that!
  21. Where are you thinking of getting the graphics done? When i was looking for a custom sized Subaru decal a few companies said they could not do it without permission from Subaru GB due to TM issues.
  22. Dave - instruct your pack of lawyers! ......oh and please dont read the price they are charging....you will be getting ideas! http://www.petrolheadnirvana.com/driving-tours/scotland-the-spring-highland-fling/
  23. now removed.....I least dont have to wind the window down to give someone the finger anymore! Although some slyness will now be required crusing down Union Street in the summer
  24. feck - need to pull mind off then....run them over two years and not been tugged yet.
  25. ok one last point... I genuinly believe the police are moving in the right direction with speeding though. Painting cameras bright.....great idea. Any new cameras i've seen are at junctions where there are accidents...GREAT IDEA, put up a speed camera sign, paint the cameras so everyone sees them and put them at an accident blackspot. It's not about catching you it's about slowing you down. The use of AVERAGE speed cameras when they were working on a section of the A90 to protect the workforce. There were 'AVERAGE SPEED CAMERAS IN OPERATION' every few meters. Again they are not looking to make £60 from you. On sections of road where there are accidents (e.g. Kingswells to Westhill in Aberdeen) I would rather see speed camera at the danger point than a blanket reduction in max speed (just went from 70 to 50). All the accidents that have happened there are more than likley due to inappropriate speeding & lack of observation from one driver + at least one other factor from the second car....missjuidging speeds, poor observation or pulling out in front of someone. The lower speed limit does not deter people or slow them down.....a big orange camera certainly would!
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