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Posts posted by kennyuk300

  1. FItted a set to my bugeye just over a year ago.. Was a manual install so had to cutout slightly bigger hole in the back of the headlight unit to get the wires to fit though.. Bit of silicone later and job done..


    Are they worth it.. Oh yes!! Aside from the fact they look nice from the outside, they give off a LOT better light coverage.. With normal bulbs you get various levels of light across the field, but with HID it's solid light all round.. With a very clear cut-off so it'd be obvious if you are goign to dazzle anyone.. Just note they really should only be fitted to the projector lenses. Fitting to reflector lenses, which are not designed for HID's is not only a waste of time, but also dangerous as they scatter the light everywhere!

    As fo what kit to go fors.. not sure.. THe kit a got was off a group buy on SNet with slimline ballsts. But I can't reccomend them... Ever since installing, the lights woudl switch themselves off whenever a electrical blip occured.. Like a indicator cancelling.. Often either one or both sides woudl swithc off and I'd have to manually switch off the headlights and back on to get them to fire.. SOmetimes takes several attempts.. Not ideal! THought it was maybe dodgy Impreza wiring, but wired up a basic circuit to a seperate battery with a switch and coudl recreate the problem.. SOmetimes it would illuminate, but randomly woudl switch off.. Recently bought a spare ballast (non slim version) off eBay for £22 and tested.. Worked a treat.. Been trying to recreate the problem for hte last 45 minutes and can't.. Seems the slim-line ballasts I got are unreliable.

    HHmmmm a bit worrying Al ,too have a set of HIDs with the slimline ballasts not got them on the car yet .Would it still be worth fitting them?


  2. well I can't really add much to what's been said already! Top day out, top company and great fun all round

    The highlight of my day was beating the black Skyline to the half way mark... and then getting obliterated :P

    My top 3 times were:

    RT 0.4, 103.0 mph, 14.061 (in the rain I may add!)

    RT 0.4, 101.6 mph, 13.906 (in the damp)

    RT 0.3, 102.3 mph, 13.873 (my fastest of the day!)

    I even managed an RT of 0.117 on one of the last runs! :crying:

    Consistantly in the 14's on the other 12 runs, so I'm very very happy :D

    Oh and big Kudos to Kenny for almost wiping out that daft of lady on the way out of Crail... I've never seen driving quite like it :wub: Doing 20 mph in a 60 then deciding to drive in the middle of the road just as you go to overtake her! Some very quick thinking and good brakes saved that from being very nasty :D

    Then when I got past her she drove up my a*** like I had done something wrong! :D

    That would have been Craig (lostboy) that happened to.

    Totaly gutted i had to miss this, was really looking forward to it but i had to go to work for an urgent job(fire doors for building control visit today THAT DID NOT HAPPEN :rolleyes: )So i could have came.

    Glad that it went well on the day Chris ,Jac and Colin sorry to hear about the cars ,hope you all get them fixed soon :D


  3. Some more information on prize number 10 on Peter's Santa Cruise charity night list, the winter car detail.

    The winner will receive the following Winter Detail on their Subaru Impreza, or similar sized car.

    1. Outer wheels, tyres and arches cleaned.

    2. Thorough safe wash via snow foam & 2 bucket method including shuts, fuel filler area and badges.

    3. Bodywork clayed to remove bonded and hidden contaminants (so sealant lasts longer & looks better)

    4. Two coats of durable sealant applied to bodywork. Shuts protected.

    5. Outer wheels protected. Tyre walls dressed. Exhaust shined.

    6. Interior mats, floor and seats given hoover. Interior glass wiped down.

    Obviously once the winner is known they just get in touch with me to go over specific details regarding the above and to organise leaving the car with me.

    Think that's it.

    Have to say this is a very commendable prize :D To me a persons time and effort is more valuable than material items (perhaps an auction too) Well done that man :)


  4. 1. McTwist

    2. Mrs McTwist

    3. Greersport

    4. Mrs Greersport

    5. Meercat Exhaust

    6. Mrs Meercat

    7. Grant

    8. Imy

    9. Terzo neil

    10. Badbaz

    11. Mrs Badbaz

    12. STI Pretender

    13. Mrs STI Pretender

    14. Ally-b

    15. wrx kenny

    16.wrx kenny + nic

    17. jimser

    18. caitlin

    19. gary d

    20. leslie

    21. yellow craig

    22. louise

    23. Ed-209

    24. kennyuk300

    25.Mrs kennyuk300

  5. Have you thought about a car cover, they are really good, I got one from Scooby world, I have the same bother as I live in a flat, car cover did the trick as it has a padlock on it so it cannot be lifted up from nosey folk.

    It pops off in about 30 seconds and takes 2 minutes to put it back on.


    Do you have any issues with marking the paintwork using it?



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