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Everything posted by zebedee

  1. Thats terrible mate Not nice to see that at all.....
  2. Thats how I have mine done also, seems a very common mod so we dont have to have the ugly hangy downy lighty thing
  3. Enjoy ur break SP and Ed.
  4. Thanks Matt and Marc, I have a few good recommendations to try out, thanks all
  5. Thanks SP, will look into them also
  6. Newbury, perfect Pez , cheers
  7. Thanks for that mate, will look into it
  8. Does anyone have any recommendations of a Tuner around the South West area that will be able to install and map my apexi power fc? Cheers.
  9. No worries mate.
  10. FMIC and TPIC bov connections do differ. The BOV connects to the Y pipe that comes from the underside of the intercooler, mine has a blue samco pipe instead of the plastic subaru one, then you have to blank off the hole in the induction pipe, it is the one with a 90 degree bend that locates onto the turbo compressor housing, then run the small vac pipe from bov to the inlet manifold. If you still can't figure it out m8 I will fit it for you, you said you are in Radstock most nights didn't you, you can stop by.
  11. Welcome to the SIDC guys
  12. thanks m8, I will try him
  13. Does anyone know of a decent, resonably priced body shop in the Radstock/Bath area? Cheers.
  14. If no one beats me too it I will put a pic up for you in the afternoon, very easy to fit though m8
  15. Afternoon all
  16. 3 hours for me at 4am from farnborough to radstock, lots of snow!! and a lot of drifting. If you were going the same way as me we could have had a drifting comp down the A303
  17. Oh dear! I hope Im not going to get snowed in at Farnborough have to keep a close eye on this white stuff.
  18. Just a quick update guys, the actuator is now reset and the restrictor has a 1.2mm hole in it, and under full load in 4th gear I am getting boost of approx 1.05 bar (boost gauge reading) with no overboost or hesitation, so I would say job well done and all cleared up, big thanks again Big D for all your help and advice and to others that have given advice Oh! one other thing, the feeling of boost coming on is different to how it used to feel, in the words of Jeremy Clarkson it is "epic"
  19. I did have an adjustable one fitted m8, but it was totally disconnected from the standard boost controller, I really wanted to run it through the factory setup, hence the reason for trying to get the restrictor and the actuator set up correctly.
  20. Told you b4 m8, it is cos u have a blue one :crying: Only joking
  21. I have also had a look at that one m8, and am in a similar position to you, but after a lot of thought I have decided with the current climate and all that a type r will de-value quickly, and wouldn't get much for mine so I have decided that the type r will have to wait. Besides your car looks great Hope you figure what to do m8, good luck....
  22. Hope all goes well with new job SP. You will get used to walking out of jobs after a while I have had plenty of practice at that, joys of being a contractor :crying:
  23. I tried to drive to work tonight, gave up after having a big moment! I wasn't going fast at all, but lost rear traction and the back snapped round, ended up facing wrong way on wrong side of road but at least managed to at least hold the car on the road and didn't hit anything, but it was a close call So please be careful if you have to drive in that white stuff......
  24. Thanks for clearing that up and making it understandable m8 I will let you know what happens when I adjust the actuator arm.
  25. If that is the case m8, why does it hit boost of 1.3bar with no restrictor? hence all the over boost I was getting, but with a 1mm restrictor I get 0.9bar. I have to be honest I don't fully understand the workings of the boost solenoid.
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