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  1. 2015 Jim Clark Weekend Scottish Borders, Duns, 16 & 17 May Overview of event We are delighted to confirm that Club Lotus are planning a re-run of our very successful 2013 event over the weekend of 16th/17th May 2015 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jim’s most successful racing year. In 1965 Jim notched up an incredible series of achievements driving for Team Lotus. During those 12 months Jim won the Tasman series in Australia/New Zealand in a Lotus-Climax 32B, the Indianapolis 500 in a Lotus-Ford 38 and his second F1 World Championship in a Lotus-Climax 33. Donations and Sponsorship In order to help organise the event we welcome any donations, sponsorship or VIK services, to help support the many volunteers and organisations involved to celebrate the life and inspiration of Jim Clark. 2013 Jim Clark Weekend In 2013 we demonstrated a number of famous racing cars connected with Jim in Duns. Starting from outside the Jim Clark Room and driving along Newtown Street before turning round and coming back to the Room, the display thrilled an impressive crowd, esitmate at over 3,000 people. In 2015 we intend to run the two Lotus 25 Grand Prix cars that came along in 2013 plus a Lotus 33 and one or two other famous cars including the Lotus Cortina with which Jim won the 1964 British Saloon Car Championship. Classic Team Lotus In 2015, we will again have the full support of Classic Team Lotus (who currently prepare and enter both Lotus 25’s in International Historic Rracing). CTL will bring the cars up from Norfolk and oversee them during the weekend. The owners of the Lotus 33, Lotus Cortina and other cars will also be there with their support teams to ensure their cars run smoothly. In 2013 over 50 Lotus Club owners attended the event with a display of sports cars lining Newtown Street. The number is expected to be even higher for 2015. The Jim Clark Trust In partnership with The Jim Clark Trust, we hope that Sir Jackie Stewart may be able to attend the weekend and promote plans for the new Jim Clark Museum by 2018. Invitations will also be sent to all Patrons including Dario Franchitti, David Coulthard and Allan McNish. The current Lotus F1 Team will be invited, the drivers and a showcar. The Scotsman and Tweedale Press Group as media partners for the Trust are on board to help promote the event, alongside website and social media. Evening dinner On Sat evening (16 May) we will be holding a commemorative dinner at Chirnside Hall Hotel with any Jim Clark Trust Patrons who can attend and thanking all our supporters; as well as covering their accommodation costs. We would be delighted to invite as guests individual donors and any sponsor organisations. Club Lotus members Our local Club Lotus members will once again support the weekend and will give their time free of charge to help with the considerable organisation that is required for an event such as this. All we need to do is to ensure they are fed and watered during the event weekend and a modest amount to cover this is included in the budget. Planning, delivery and costs In a very generous gesture and as a tribute to Jim’s memory, in 2013 Classic Team Lotus owned by Clive Chapman, son of Lotus founder Colin Chapman and the owners of the other race cars transported their very valuable cars and equipment to Duns and demonstrated them at considerable expense to themselves, but did not make any charges to either ourselves or the Jim Clark Room. However, we do not feel we can ask them to do this again as it would be abusing their goodwill. Therefore we propose that we make a reasonable but relatively modest contribution to their transport and running costs. These amounts are still some way below what they would normally charge for the commercial hire of these cars to organisations. We also feel we should cover their accommodation and subsistence costs to invite them as guests to the Saturday night dinner. Given the success of the 2013 event and with the planned wider marketing, publicity and general awareness, we anticipate a considerable increase in public attendance in 2015. Therefore we believe that we must engage a number of professional stewards (in addition to our own Club members) to marshal and control the crowd and maintain the required safety level. A much better public address system than we used in 2013 is also required to enrich the experience of visitors. The pipe band was a notable and very moving feature of the 2013 event and we therefore propose to repeat this. On Friday May 15th the Jim Clark Room is planning to screen a film show of rare archive films relating to Jim’s 1965 season and a modest amont is included to cover the hire of a hall. Core Budget proposals Street marshals (20 @ £100 each) £2000.00 Subsistence for all marshals £600.00 Public address system £1500.00 Hotel and dinner £3500.00 Pipe band £350.00 Hire of Hall – Friday evening film show £400.00 Contribution to transport and demonstration costs of 6 principle participating racing cars £3000.00 Contingency £1000.00 Total: £12350.00 No costs have been allocated for Policing or PR/advertising. For Policing the plan is to work with the support of SBC and the local Duns constabulary who were hugely supportive and key to the success of the 2013 event. We appreciate safety must be a priority given the tragic events of The Jim Clark Rally 2014. For PR/advertising we are keen to work with the support of all partners involved in the event: SBC, The Jim Clark Room, The Jim Clark Trust, Classic Team Lotus and Lotus Group. Without financial support we cannot guarantee organising the event because it will mean relying on the genoristy of those involved and substantial goodwill. With financial support we can ensure it’s safety and success. We welcome all enquiries of support for donations sponsorship. Media and community benefits The 2013 Jim Clark Weekend event over 2 days was attended by an estimated audience of 3,000. It was a very special weekend for all those there -spectacular, exciting, moving and emotional - taking people back in time. It was a surprise even to the organisers: a mini Goodwood Revival, Lotus, Jim Clark celebration in the small market town of Duns, in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders. It was inspiring for the generation who knew Jim Clark and the next generation. We must take care to keep it’s modesty and charm. The opportunity exists for this to become an annual event as part of plans for a new Jim Clark Museum and commemoration in 2018 with the 50th anniversary of Jim’s tragic death that shocked the world. A regular annual event could quite concievably draw far larger crowds; a ‘classic car’ Jim Clark Weekend. We don’t have any audited media or community economic impact data, nor are we experts on these matters, but some reasonable numbers can be drawn from the 2013 event. Media coverage for 2013 without being especially proactive included national TV coverage on SKY F1, regional TV coverage for BBC and STV; BBC Radio Scotland and Borders Radio; press coverage including The Scotsman, Daily Record and Berwickshire News; and online through social media: an audience well in exccess of 1 million. Community and economic impact based on a reasonable spend of £20 per head for half the visitors ie. 1,500 = £30,000. The actual figure is likely to be higher when considering the over night stay of the 50+ car owners and visitors. A more co-ordinated approach to the 2015 event and future events, will certainly see these numbers rise. Thank you. We would be delighted to receive enquiries for donations, sponsorship or VIK services, to support the 2015 Jim Clark Weekend. For further information: Alan Morgan, Chairman Club Lotus alan@clublotus.co.uk 07712 588819 Andrew Laing, Scottish Area Leader Club Lotus andrew@laingsfoundry.co.uk 07917 417257 Ben Smith, Secretary Jim Clark Trust ben.smith@jimclarktrust.com 07811 200860 Provisional Program for the Weekend Saturday 16 May Classic Team Lotus and Club Lotus 1000 hrs set up Pitts and Static Display of Race Cars 1100 hrs Open to public 1430 hrs Close Pitts 1530 hrs Race Cars run at Charterhall (Closed Event) 1800 hrs Race Cars return to Chirnside Hall Hotel. 2000 hrs Diner Chirnside Hall Sunday 17 May Classic Team Lotus and Club Lotus 0915 hrs Lotus display cars arrive and parked on Newtown Street 1000 hrs Set up Pitts 1100 hrs One Minute silence Broken by firing up Type 25 car 1105 hrs Pipe Band display down Newtown Street 1115 hrs Road runs start, Classic Team Lotus and other historic cars 1200 hrs Road runs stop Pitts and display area open to public to view cars 1230 hrs Road runs start again, Classic Team Lotus and other historic cars 1315 hrs Road Runs stop 1320 hrs Pipe Band display 1400 hrs Show Cars travel in convoy to Chirnside 1500 hrs Show cars on display Chirnside school 1515 hrs Memorial Service at Chirnside Parish Church 1600 hrs Wreath laid at Grave Side
  2. Hi Gus a really great day, track was busy all day which was great to see, top job of putting this on so thanks again, next year for me now.
  3. Good move team, a club is something that you join for an intended purpose and 20 quid to support something you enjoy is not a lot to pay, sidc is a great club with great advice, good events and good people, £20 is great value and shows that as a club we value what is provided.
  4. Well what a great day that was for SIDC today, I agree the standard of driving today was very good indeed despite the tricky conditions at times, it was great to see everyone again, big up to our book keeper Bad Baz for preparing the car for today, epic ride and even more fun on the spec 2 tyres lol Big thanks to all the committee members involved with the track day and AGM today. cheers John
  5. offftttt thats a flying machine, great figures.
  6. video link from You tube, an amazing piece of motor sport history.
  7. Hi All Just heard about this event today and thought it may interest some of you. Jim Clark 50th Anniversary Event Duns, The Scottish Borders 18 – 19 May 2013 This year sees the 50th anniversary of Jim Clark winning his first Formula One World Championship. To celebrate the event Club Lotus are organising a closed street event at Duns, Berwickshire, in the Scottish Borders. The event will consist of Classic Team Lotus bringing Jim’s two 1963 Lotus Formula One Championship winning Type 25 cars up to Duns. The cars will be on static display on Saturday (10:00 till 17:00) outside the Jim Clark Room and will be joined by a Lotus Cortina raced by Jim and also his first Lotus Elan in which he drove to many races during 1963. On Sunday the cars will again be on display from 10.00 and at midday all four will be demonstrated along Newtown Street outside the Jim Clark Room. Following the display on Sunday there will be a short pause to allow those that wish to make their way to Chirnside. The F1 cars will then drive seven miles through the countryside to Chirnside Parish Church followed by 20 plus Lotus road cars to lay a wreath at Jim’s graveside at around 15:00. Ian Scott Watson, Jim’s friend and mentor form his early racing days, will be our special guest at the weekend along with Clive Chapman (son of Lotus founder Colin) and Jim’s No1 race mechanic Bob Dance. The Murray Motor Company will also have on display at Duns the current range of Lotus cars. We would also like your car to be included in the Lotus static display at Duns, either on the Saturday or Sunday or both; please get in touch if you would like to take part. There will be special Lotus parking for 20 cars outside the Jim Clark Room – these are the cars that may be offered the chance to drive in the rolling closed road with the F1 cars to Chirnside above. Also, 25 Cars in a display area parking next to the room and 75 spaces reserved at the old high school. We want to get as many different models of Lotus cars as possible involved over the weekend. This event will have national news coverage and we are expecting perhaps 1500+ people to come along and witness something very special on Sunday. http://www.lotusdriversclub.org.uk/?p=2936
  8. I have two top bits that i canny really split relating to sccooby ownership, the McRae Gathering and the trip back from Andy F after my remap Worst bit so far has been............will get back to you as i am struggling to think of one.
  9. How are you getting on buddy!

  10. fab write up and well done on your results
  11. Did you get through yer MOT ok Paul? or do you know a man
  12. Happy Birthday ya auld goat , about time you were on facebook so we can give you some proper abuse
  13. I have a nur spec on an 05 sti and they sound awesome, had the afterburner vortex on and was fed up with it so i changed it, great exhaust system i went with a straight through centre section just to annoy the neighbours
  14. Yip agreed the standard of service at Nobles is first class, ask for Mike or Iona at reception they deal with all the servicing now, mind and ask for your sidc discount, dont be shy ask for it.
  15. http://www.just-subaru.com/frontlips-grilles-etc-blob-eye-69650-0.html Try this link in your browser, revolution have the winglets you are looking for pre painted for certain colours, 10th box down on the page that opens. cheers John
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