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Posts posted by Frank_STI

  1. Sorry to hear this Mark, instead of breaking it would it not be worth getting another STI (paid for by your mate) and swapping the mods, etc.

    You spent a lot of time and money on it and would be a shame to see it broken up. Surplus parts could be sold to replace damaged mods, remap or labour costs. Just thinking you would probably have an engine , 6 speed, brembos and loads of other bits to sell.

    Thats the plan at the moment but all depends on what my mate comes up with, however he still lives with his parents and they are basically telling him to give me nothing because he's got a criminal record now. (Once this is all over i'll be telling them exactly what i think of their attitude....*****s!!)

    The car is nearly all stripped, another day on the job and it'll be done.

    Had to chop the front end off to get the engine out :icon_salut:.

  2. Sorry to hear about this Mark, car was stunning as Bobby said.

    Can only mirror the comments made by others.

    Is the damage really too extensive??

    Its unfixable, head on "40mph" into a wall. Fortunately no one was hurt but he's now got a criminal conviction to his name.

    He wasn't drunk, been out the night before left my car at his house then in the morning i wake up to him begging for help down the phone!

    I honestly thought he was taking the piss!! But unfortunately not, lost it on a bend (in a 30 zone) and ****ed it into a wall.....Honda driver not used to 400+ ft/lb torque lol.

    Told him I was a replacement white sti, insurance are likey only to give me sub 10k for the car which is useless....the engine was worth close to 15k, 5k on paint, the list goes on and on!!!

    Just feels like a really bad dream, wish i could wake up!! :)

  3. I bought it second hand and it had "just been" refurb'd according to the seller but who knows, also I have anti-lag with the simtek which is probs the main cause of destruction lol. (White Blobeye which the simtek boost track cooked itself at Hypertech during mapping, p.s. i've still not send it back to get fixed ;) )

  4. I'm on my second 20g lol, had an AFP one which lasted 3k milles, now on an AET 20g and its lasted 5k miles but think I might be down on torque with the AET. Really good turbos though, virtually no lag ;) and sound awesome too

  5. I may be wrong but does this recall upgrade map not have to be done by a main dealership to keep the warranty valid, there are pleanty of people out there capable of re-mapping but as there has been issues with the new STI's pistons going it might be wise to stick with the dealership and your three year warranty just to be on the safe side.


    new STI pistons are not upgraded from the WRX so are tending to melt with extra power :D

  6. Does the paintwork look more orange than red in this pic - lighting / camera / my eyes ??

    I think its my N96 Camera and being indoors lol, did the same with a red MX5 with the indoor pics



    Not sure why it makes the car look 2 different colours, these pics were taken within minutes of each other ;)

    Thanks for all the positive comments foks! :D

  7. Arrived Saturday morning, slightly late due to our sat nav being rubbish, to find Cathy's impreza waiting for the detail...this is what we found

    (forgot my camera again so only phone pics ;) )




    This was to be expected due to the age of the car but this wasn't going to be easy, especially against the clock and us running late already.

    The car was degrease, detar'd and then washed and dried.

    Into the shed to start the detail, tried a light polish first but got nowhere, heaver polish was still not giving the desired results so had to go extreme and hit the paint hard.


    ^^ 1st hit with Menzera Power Gloss ^^

    then 2 hits of Menzera Final Finish to remove the remaining swirls and refine the finish

    The car then received Z6, 50/50 wax and a final coat of Z8

    Wheels and Door checks polished with Z5

    Windows were cleaned with fast glass and plastics and rubbers were treated with Aerospace 303

    Heres the results 7 hours later






  8. Cheers frank,

    Was just on their website, very pricey.

    Im not looking to spend quite that much but what is the rough going rate?

    Thing is a detail ain't a normal valet, its takes hours and hours, a lot of skill to do properly and some pretty expensive products.

    Costs usually depend on what you want done and what products are used

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