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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. Cheers Cathy!

    Aye, you Lothian & Borders folks certainly have more than your fair share of good roads! How about a swap... your A7 for our M9? ;)

    No ta lol ....but your welcome to use it anytime :D next time you go up the A7 head to Innerleithen from Middleton (Edinburgh side of A7) takes you up the Lammermuirs... the views are amazing ...the roads not too bad either :)

  2. Would like to take the opertunity to say thanks to all involved the Suburu Team, Sw and sons, mikeyb, grant, Wuz Ra Dunk and every one else who showed there support thank you all

    Yes had a great weekend To be honest, the video was my first attempt and to be honest it is alot harder what you think it is to drive around coloured cones and you only get 5 attempts as part of the team and I'm sure JAC will verify lol and I have a memory like a sive, only achieved a 11.02 so so close to my 10 sec maby if I had Andy F driving I'm sure it would of been achieved however my car me driver I'm affraid.. The car had a problem so had to retire early afternoon so could not get my 10 sec 1st run I did an 11.03 still on low boost never got a chance to give it full chat no excuse tho, untill next time.


    Well I say at least you had the guts to go and do it :) ..... and everyone has to start at the beginning(practice makes perfect :o) :wave:

    Roll on next year ;)

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