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About Nelsdir

  1. I used Hypertech for my previous 2 Scoobies - wouldn't go anywhere else. If you ask nicely Dunc may give you a run up to Larbert or Falkirk High stations for the trip back to Glasgow....
  2. Not yet you've not - they may bounce your bankers draft at the bank tomorrow Welcome to the club
  3. Just my 2p worth - my '97 classic started running v. rough and turned out to be a knackered Lambda sensor. Was fine on boost but a nightmare round town/steady throttle. I checked it using a voltmeter - was sticking at about 0.2v whereas it should be bouncing between 0.4 - 0.8 when cruising I think (those more knowledgeable can correct me). Fitted an AFR gauge after that to keep an eye on it. £50 for a replacement and everything good. Neil
  4. I wish - be there for the next 4 weeks. Back down to civilisation at the weekends though []
  5. This morning spotted yours just along from where I was parked. Almost an ABZ ScottishScoobies mini-meet []
  6. £490 inc. That included the free fitting and also the alignment on Duncans' own kit.
  7. Got the front and rear alloy d/links, rear ARB and ALK fitted by Duncan (free) a few weeks ago. Can't comment on which bits made the difference but when discussing with Dunc he said that the ALK is a must and will give a huge benefit. All I can say is that the car is transformed - turn-in is crisp, zero body roll and when planting it out of the corner it just grips and goes. The confidence it gives lets me enjoy the car a lot more. I've got the Prodrive spings as well which will help a bit but can't fault the Whiteline stuff or Dunc for the service. Neil
  8. I had a '97 STi 4 Wagon running in excess of 300bhp. Loved the car - was black and had that stealthy look. Tracked it once at KH and helds its' own well. Rattled like an old jalopy but didn't buy it for comfort. Only mods were a full decat and old Pipercross inducion kit. Compared to my '53 STi UK it was more fun and felt much quicker but prefer the comfort factor now.
  9. Cracking vid Andy - good job []
  10. Was a pleasure to be part of this yesterday. Credit to Paul and those involved in organising it. The convoy was hilarious - we managed to stop traffic on one of the roundabouts and set off at least 3 car alarms on the way up [] It was all about the kids at the end of the day and Tam did a sterling job as Santa. The staff and parents appreciated the donations and it was obvious the kids loved the whole thing. Look forward to next years !! Neil
  11. I was missed off the previous cut/pastes [8-)] 1) PaulC555 2) rallye 6 3) santa tommy t cut. 4) Fraz.A + poss Liam 5) dtabbit 6) Golfdaft ( I'll pop out from work to show my support Paul - ) 7) CYP_rock 8) andywrx 9) Alan-G + Fab1. 10) Nelsdir
  12. Mine arrived today. Thanks Imy []
  13. 1) PaulC555 2) rallye 6 3) santa tommy t cut. 4) Fraz.A + poss Liam 5) dtabbit (possible) 6) Golfdaft ( I'll pop out from work to show my support Paul - ) 7) CYP_rock 8) Nelsdir (well - for the last 800 yds anyway [])
  14. I'm keeping my eye on the usual places for the Prodrive one. They claim that it has only a 2bhp overhead on a de-cat. Go for about 200 earth-pounds.
  15. Well - on my 3rd now. Bought the RB5 in Autumn of 2003 from a certain salesman well known on here from T&C in Perth. Great car that held its' value until I sold it in Feb '05. Wagon Power after that - MY97 STi 4 - went like sh!te off a shovel with stealth looks - was great fun on track and a dark horse on the road. 307bhp at Dastek was a pleasant surprise [] Current whip. Took a bit of getting used to after the Wagon - less performance but better ride/comfort etc. Got plans for next year but right now love the car. Thanks go out to some sales bloke I bought an RB5 off that used to work in Cupar for finding me the car. Pattern developing.....must resist......... Neil
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