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Big Gordon

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Everything posted by Big Gordon

  1. Very nice Barry, love the look of the Golf. My daily car will be changing in the near future, which means it's my Impreza that will be up for sale. Need something with more interior space and better fuel consumption.
  2. Surprised at you looking at another Scoob Billy as i know how disapointed you are with the fit and finish of your current one and the amount of warranty claims you've had mate. The price of fuel is probably what's gonna make me sell the Impreza this year, TBH the kids are getting really big and i need more space too, so big sensible diesel it is..
  3. Stunning, absolutely stunning.
  4. sounds good, last time i did the rallying there they had rear wheels drive Corollas. It was a wee while ago. lol
  5. Liked that one Andy, the drivers were funny.
  6. That's looking stunning, love it. Will be great to see it finished.
  7. Oh dear that's a bad one. Just brings home how dangerous it can be out there and how fragile life is. Hope he pulls through Joe.
  8. That's some awesome figures. You still enjoying yours Andy? Probably a daft question. :biggrinsanta:
  9. Jeez, that GTR is unbelievable.
  10. My Scoob has been awesome so far, was in Aberfoyle when the snow came down on Sun and although my front splitter acted as a snow plough, 10" of snow didn't stop it. Used to own an E class merc and it was terrible, got stuck at the drop of a hat, or snow flake. lol My ex wife has bought a Nissan Juke and she can'e even get it out her street, Scoob copes with ease.lol
  11. These are funny, will keep my eyes peeled for any in my area. A lot of time and effort has gone into that Vulva, i mean Volvo.
  12. Mine stays on all the time. Fault code shows that it's Lambda sensor 1. The expensive one!! Typical. lol
  13. Hope you get it sorted mate. My light is on also, 03 blob wrx. Fault showing as lambda sensor 1. Anyone know how expensive these are to replace? Is it a tricky job? Apologies for hijacking your thread. lol
  14. Looks great mate, car is stunning.
  15. I did something daft to mine on sunday, i scraped my motorbike trailer along the side of it. Doh!!!
  16. Very sad news indeed. Thoughts are with his family and friends.
  17. Oh dear, oh dear Just when you thought the new Impreza couldn't get any uglier... WTF!!!!!
  18. I noticed that too, didn't want to say anything.
  19. Nice one guys. Got all 6 cars so far too, need to get them properly displayed.
  20. very nice mate, like that a lot.
  21. Stunning Colin, very nice mate. Nearly as shiny as mine...
  22. That's stunning. Awesome car
  23. Looks awesome, pm for me too please, my car desperately needs done.
  24. Lovely car mate, enjoy
  25. Looking great Graeme, you'll be itching to get it all nailed together and back on the road.
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