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Posts posted by jac

  1. True, but he's not just an average driver, is he? He's the real deal. The rest of us mere mortals have to use other means of finding pace. Some of use go nuts, some of us not so nuts and some of us swear to find a second a lap in a big pair of red trainers! I can't drive for toffee and red shoes was never my thing... SO! Its of to Nutterville for me! Though, I'm nowhere near as mad as the other two... not just yet anyway! :)


  2. It was only yesterday you said 500/500 was the ideal car, you have up't the stakes by 100 horses overnight.

    Goodbye kawasaki and hello 2.2 closed deck engine & garrett turbo :)

    Yip looks like the fireblade will not happen this year. Don't think i will even be in the 500 club,

    because i will be running the md321h or at most get it coveted to a t on a 2.38. not looking

    for big numbers, more reliability. :)

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