Saw Mrs Brian D as i was leaving St Marys Island earlier... Was gonna wave but as i was pulling alongside the lights changed
If she's anything like my missus she would have just laughed anyway!!
Black classic followed closely by a silver new age at morrisons roundabout in princes park.
Silver classic pulling out near Rainham library this evening
Red mica classic wagon in the brook chatham yesterday
Right, I am looking to come to this but not camping overnight. Can i just have some confirmation of location, and that i just need to bring drink and food for the barbie?
Ice Blue wr1 on M20 towards Ashford
Black classic with white lettering across the boot at Rainham Tesco roundabout...shot off towards gillingham
Silver classic under howard school bridge in rainham
Two blue bug/hawk eyes?? with gold wheels on roundabout at top of bluebell hill
Mine only seems to be doing it in fifth at the moment and its only happened a couple of times. Will see what a few others say before i go splashing the reddies on a clutch.
Just out of curiousity 20.....where did you get your parts from etc?