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Everything posted by quagmire

  1. White classic wagon with private plate near chatham dockyard last night.... turned off near St Mary's Island.
  2. PIC 4 Latest EXTREME CRAZE!! The scooby side-saddle...... coming soon to a shopping centre car park near you!!
  3. Now if i could just get that pink bag it would go better with my umbrella!
  4. Blimey! I'm getting spotted a lot more now Sorry matt...i never saw you
  5. Not sure about car being dirty but it was at 08.50 so am guessing it was you!! I was in burgundy bugeye
  6. Silver classic with lady driver at the top of Chatham hill this morning. Got a nice wave.
  7. Caught a glimpse of a stickered up blue scooby heading towards detling hill on the A249... not sure what shape other than it wasn't a classic. Blue blob eye in Rainham on Otterham Quay lane, got a wave
  8. I followed a silver classic wrx through Rainham this evening around 6ish. Pulled alongside you at the lights but you were yawning like crazy! Followed you until we got to the link road and then you floored it.....Quick motor!! Also whilst following said classic passed another going the other way..not sure of colour but was black or deep purple. Waved but not sure if i got one back as your windows were so damn dark!
  9. Nice black hawkeye sti at Hempstead Valley ** YAU
  10. Followed white classic wrx up bluebell hill with arealy poppy exhaust and a blue blob eye on hoath way roundabout flashing like a madman!!
  11. Nice blue classic parked near to Rochester train station last night with tints and headlight conversion.
  12. Love that!
  13. It was going in the other direction to me and i wouldn't have even tried keeping up for fear of being beaten by a girl...
  14. Yellow classic along Frindsbury hill this afternoon with lady driver.. I don't know Shiralee but don't think it was her judging by her pics on here.
  15. I've been spotted!!! So the window stickers really work Must admit i had just washed the car, What were you in cos i never noticed
  16. Very clean blue bugeye in Rainham High Street this morning with blonde lady driver, got a wave back.
  17. Whats with the two guys with "man bags"? Looks like they're in a pocket billiards match!
  18. Very nice. Liking that a lot!
  19. Monty tonight near Morrison's walderslade...looking good mate
  20. Classic red wagon parked on a driveway on Nelson rd Gillingham
  21. 52 plate blue bugeye with lady driver in wigmore this morning, i was a bit slow seeing you so sorry for no acknowledgement
  22. my missus saw a red mica bug eye behind her on ashford road GK52 PCY??? She thought it was me and only 2 letters differ from my plate. Anyone on here?
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