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Everything posted by kookamunga

  1. having just rebuilt my engine i seem to be having a wee problem with the coolant system first the thermostat was stuck shut (my bad should maybe changed on the rebuild) so a wee trip to the subaru parts dept sorted me out but now i just can't seem to get the coolant bled. i have tried every trick i know but to no avail. anyone got any good methods to try
  2. he has a site www.fareastperformance.co.uk
  3. He has got a place down in bonnyrigg now at sherwood ind est he is in most days if thats any help to you.
  4. well what can i say day 15 without my wee pride and joy on the road, after surprise surprise it was stolen. finally got it back but what a poor state she is in. i don't know how but when a normal person is in a crash, they suffer but when a peace of scum is in a crash they can walk away no probs then leave someone else to pick up the tab. at least they got court but that don't bring my car back i just can beleave to top things of if i go through my insurance for them just to turn around and say its a right off, i will loose all my hard earned no claims. so next year all i can afford to insure will be an 850 fiesta pop. when the scum gets to paint his next door neighbors fence a slap on his wrist and no effect to his car insurance. really who makes it these laws. anyway if anyone is from Edinburgh and going to knockhill and can take a passenger can you give us a shout as i am finding life hard without power at my feet and need to see some imprezas driven hard by there owners and not some little scum bag that don't have a clue.
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