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Everything posted by kookamunga

  1. Its defo the temp sensor fella There is two fitted on the water pipe that runs between the blocks the one with a single wire and spade type plug going to it is for your dash, the one with a multi plug on it is for the ecu and thats the one you need to change.
  2. before taking the engine out check your cam shafts are not tight as this can be a cause of a knockin/ ticking if they are tight you can take them off in place and clean up the caps. Make sure u don't over tighten them think they only go to around 8Nm or so .
  3. i managed to get away with just the shells as the was no marks on the crank been running for over a year now and still great oil pressure. If the shells are just down to the brass and the crank isn't marked or oval ed should all be hunky dory
  4. yeah its all been put on stop just now was going to raise the rear suspension first but surprise surprise the coil overs are not for moving but hey its just a small spanner in the works and i not gonna let some corroded metal get in my way. was thinking running more camber at the front than the rear but i am running to much at the at the front just now kinda eating the inside tread and just no grip probably cos its running on metal as apposed to rubber hears hoping its all sorted soon just need to get my finger oot.
  5. Thanks fella don't think it will be seeing the track that much i will give that set up ago and see how i find it.
  6. well got a nice new set of laser alignment gauges at my work and was wondering if anyone knows the setting for a fast road set up for a classic.
  7. just a wee word off warning for the bottom bolts,the top one is a shoulder bolt Keep the bolt still (don't turn it) just turn the nut if that makes sense. Any problems don't hesitate to give us a shout
  8. has it got an induction kit or an atmospheric dump valve fitted it these are the usual causes of the the smell of fuel when idling don't worry unless to see flames
  9. just leave the plugs out for a wee time if you crank over the engine it will just keep injecting fuel into the cylinders thus making you problems worse
  10. Lol they will do. Whats the running cost of them a few wife beaters and a couple packets of pork scratchings a mile
  11. One day i hope i will have nothing to rant about, but i can tell you a story of how my cat got stuck up a tree and a nice youngster scaled the tree to rescue my lovely cat but i don't think that will be happening sometime soon maybe because i don't have a cat or because they would rather try and take your possessions
  12. it was reported to the police as it the second attempt on this car and my last car was stolen but yeah i think the police have got bigger fish to fry. They were ment to be coming around for a visit but have failed to show. The security is working hence they didn't go into the car but still leaves me wit damage to sort Would anyone know where i could buy 4 rottweilers that have been brought up on human blood that can sit around my car
  13. They can be change separate and the is a seal between them which might be the cause of the leak. I might have the reservoir will need to check.
  14. well got up this day to find some one had tried to borrow my car last night without even asking me. The left my car with a damaged door lock now screwdriver shape and a snapped wind deflector as it was used to keep my rear window open. so watch out in the Edinburgh area.
  15. Well she be up and running again finally. What a nightmare it has been first i got ill so had to put the rebuild on the back burner then when i finally got it all built and fitted a set of bigger injectors (i got about a year ago) i found it was only firing on the left hand bank. traced the fault to stuck injectors, so a wee soak in carb cleaner and the gave them a nice big 12 volt feed till they started ticking again sorted that problem out. just need to save some ready s for another remap for Mr Forrest him self If anything i have learned that if you get a set of injectors and get them sonic cleaned don't keep putting the job off of fitting them. it fells great back driving a car that doesn't know the concept of hills lol
  16. greasy roads or Tyre pressures a bit low
  17. yeah the boars and pistons are ok the is a slight deposit on the valve seat but think i will be able to clean it up. The other exhaust valve has gone a nice blue colour which makes me think it all got a bit too lean. think its time to go for bigger injectors. was wondering if anyone has a o2 sensor as the threads picked up when i removed it from the manifold, was at nobles but i just can't bring myself to pay 160 plus vat for a new sensor call me a skin flint it you must I was thinking about going for bigger valves but i am hopping the is a 2.5 build in the pipe line so might just wait till that happens before i go for bigger valves.
  18. well the engine is out and head off and opps
  19. think he needs to take a look at rebuilding his turbo seems to be a lot of smoke coming out the back of his car and his tracking seems out he can't seem to drive it in a straight line
  20. yeah i swapped the coil packs around and still not firing on cylinder 4. i haven't got a compression tester to fit the good old boxer engine but from the sound of the engine it sounds to me like a valve isn't sealing. I think things just got a bit too hot for it if anyone has a compression tester in the edinburgh area please can i borrow it has to be local as my only form of transport just now is the local bus service or my trusted push bike at lease that won't have a miss fire unless i catch a fly in my mouth
  21. well all was going great , was having great fun in the sun untill 4 became 3. pulled over to find my car only running on 3 cylinders and chuffing away like the Flying Scotsman coming into the station. traced the problem to number 4 so popped over to halfords for some tools hoping it was just a loose spark plug. after some hours mostly waiting for the engine to cool down nope the plug was tight. thanks to my new friends george mcphee and son came to dundee lifted the car onto the truck and brought me home. All that's left to do now is take the engine out and pop the head off to see what damage has been done. might be looking for a o/s head if my fears come true.
  22. Hi did you do the plugs on the service if so try running with a smaller plug gap. so you don't suffer a flame out on boost i.e the brick wall
  23. Scot tyre in Broxburn is the cheapest but they are only a supplier you would need to find some place to have them fitted.
  24. you could use three bond its what sub use when they build the engines think its around a tenner from your local friendly subaru parts department
  25. magnetic plugs in your gearbox and diff is a yes but the isn't much point in the engine as the isn't much things in the engine that has an attraction to magnets hope this helps
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