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Everything posted by empty_heed

  1. it's a must, nothing worse than a hot munch with no sauce
  2. my stereo & speakers. my amp is on the back of the seat behind my box. just need to staple the black fabric i have round the box.
  3. saw this today at reids in hillington. pretty cool it was an auto aswell
  4. sorted thats exactly what it was. ha that's been a years worth of upload since i joined & it's the first time i knew that bit existed all because it was full. cheers dude
  5. ok ok this is probably a repost......... last week i could uplod pics fine i'd just resize them then put them on no bother. now i can't upload anything cos everything exceeds the upload limit
  6. fitted a head unit & got my joiner mate to make a box in the boot of my wagon. all i need is to staple some black fabric round it to make it stealth like & it'll look the biz
  7. i sure did, thanks i nipped over on the boat & back to get the most of the daylight. came out no bother & new one in. my mate put all the wires in i needed for amp & some speakers too. it's all working i just need sort out a more permanent arrangement for my speakers
  8. i'll need it aswell i bet. least the home will be good
  9. ok ok it's been a long few days. i've spent all day thinking it was tuesday
  10. cheers fastone, i'll get the boat over in the morn to get one. then take the scenic route home
  11. trying to find the block connector i need on halfords site not very succesful though, can you send me a link please
  12. thanks for your assisstance chaps we trip to halfrauds tomorrow and hopefully the rest is as straight forward as the welsho has written. might finally get an amp wire put in. i miss my old sounds cheers for link the st3ph3n should have a sticky with scottish scoobs "how to" section.
  13. lookin good gordy, where did you get it from ?
  14. anyone changed this stereo before ? is it a dash oot job
  15. chamelion in renfrew 0141 885 1714
  16. i can lend him my spare neil ...... if his ass fits it
  17. looking no bad did you get yer windscreen sorted ?
  18. hoy never got to race hamilton, to much oil on the track for it. still should be good though
  19. good meal, good banter & good bit of money raised. couldn't ask for more
  20. i've never been a fan red cars, my brother had red polo he put it on it's roof in arrochar, my mates red ax head gasket went & spewed it's fluids all over the front of my car whilst i was following them. big cloud of smoke couldn't see anything & had oil all over my windscreen. another friend rolled their red landy on loch eck & finally my mates red rover coupe was written off when it got rear ended. all a couple of years ago now but all them happened in the same year. put me right off red cars
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