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Posts posted by StrikE

  1. I got stopped a few years ago in a Cavalier, just because i 'look' at the thick fuud the wrong way. i was then asked to show the 'kind officer' what was in my boot, i was then presented with his nose 3 mm away from mine and asked what the phuck my problem was?! Close enough for him to spit/slabber on my face while 'talking'. I seen that kind officer a few weeks later at the petrol station, out of uniform and on his own, he couldnt even look me in the eye. Amazing what a uniform will turn some idiots into.

    On hind sight i should have gone straight to the police........ oh wait that was the police....

    To be honest there are a few bad nasty apples out there but a few of my mates are coppers and the vast majority are completely spot on, unfortunately the few ruin it for the rest.

  2. Guys it is certainly gonna be a head turner thats for sure, whether people like it or not its not them that bought the car it is you, so enjoy greatly and most of all have fun fun fun.

    I like it btw, but i am biased as i like scoobys so does that count?

    Best regards


  3. wow settle doon oot there ya moany bunch of wimmen thats nothing. for crying oot loud its a car it wont last forever and small bumps happen aw the time

    im very passionate of my cars and try to take great care of them but at the end of the day its there to be driven fast slow bumppy smooth off road on road etc etc do yous treat yer wimmen or guys or even kids with that much passion?

    get a grip grow up and accept it as LIFE

    After all youll sell at sum point and then not gie a s**** about the bloody thing

    Eh wow! :(

    Burgy hope you get sorted buddy

  4. Man never take a renewal straight away, always shop around then go back to Tesco's and tell them another insurance company has made you a better offer & what can the do about it!! Just do what i do and tell them to drop it £50 or get stuffed, usually works :huh:

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