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Posts posted by StrikE

  1. Strike you bringing your missus?

    cos its a tarmac rally access to spectator areas is fairly civilised... no need to trek through a forest to get good views :D

    I will ask the question Imy, unfortunatelly I doubt it though for the Friday [work n all]. Hope so :rotfl:

  2. Imy thank you :D

    John i am going to pencil myself in just now for both days if that is ok?

    Just need some place to kipp

    This time i wont forget my Jacket............ you may be lucky i may actually wear my hat :rotfl:

    Updated Lists

    Friday Night 6 -10pm


    Midnight 21


    Lumsden 26





    Gordon ?

    Connor Scotland ?



    Saturday 12 - 7pm ish!




    Connor Scotland ?



  3. Pretty big actually, old victorian bad boy!!!! :hello:

    Would save us some pennies instead of Hotel! Weddin fund and all that!! lol

    You going Derek?

    Very probably to be honest, just need to make sure i am not working which i am nearly certain i won't be.......... pretty long answer for a yes really :P

  4. That's what I really like about club runs like this... Not a fan of more high speed agressive stuff.. Can appear dangersous and it's more likely to attract the wrong sort of attention...

    Like getting pulled by the Police outside of Portree :icon_salut:

  5. If you are going to set a day then i would say maybe Thursday if you want to go down the route of a Glasgow to Lanark joint meet every other month.

    It's just getting people all together on the same day, Thursday in Glasgow for me is a complete no no, in Lanark should be fine for that day [no kingston bridge to negotiate]. It's your post buddy so you should step up to the mark and be the RO imho.

    There are a good few scoobies floating around here so numbers should be fine.

  6. 1/ badbaz : 1/2mile from Lanark

    2/ TPS -SCOOB : 12 miles

    3/ boab type ra : 10 mins

    4/ StrikE : 800yrds

    5/ J10 DLY : 15-20mins

    6/ evil_scoobs - 21 miles

    7/ st3ph3n - 17 miles

    8/Big Gordon

    If it is possible how about a Friday/Saturday late evening night? Sat would be better

  7. Hey :D Big J and myself were thinking about a local Lanark RO last year but never got around to it tbh. We looked at the market car park for a venue but unfortunately it was a no go, after that we never brought it up again.

    I certainly agree with a Lanark based monthly meet and i and most suprised there isn't one already considering the location.

    Hillington is far too far away especially on a thursday night after a hard days graft, a bit annoying to be honest as i love meeting up too, just usualy never have time ;)

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