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Everything posted by t3hWIT

  1. Never know what to say in moments like this. McRae was a great man and a great driver, and is truly missed. I remember watching Colin live on TV for the 2006 X Games, and he had me on my feet the last leg. Absolutely stunning drive all the way to the end. A true legend. RIP.
  2. Very sorry for your loss mate.
  3. It's originally from Japan. That makes things more difficult, but I don't have any resources here to try to determine who tuned it.
  4. Shameless bump for any info.
  5. Thanks you both, p m sent.
  6. I purchased a full WRX RA drivetrain from an importer here in the US. The seller thought that the ECU was chipped, and Squiggle agreed. After pulling the plugs, I'm concerned about who manufactured the chip and what kind of map they're running. We didn't get the WRX until the GD chassis so, save for a few Hyper Rev magazines (in Japanese), I have little to nothing for reference to find the manufacturer. This is where I was hoping you guys could help. I was going through the Impreza Owners Bible Vol 2, and the only picture I find of the ECU also suggests that I have an extra chip or two or three soldered to the board. There aren't any logos except for Jecs and Mitsubishi Electronics, so identifying the company who chipped it might be impossible. I was hoping you guys could provide some insight though. Note the case. The tape is the same type used by the yard in Japan who sealed off the motor before shipment. I'm not sure where they got the 275ps from, and this is not an STi ECU. The katakana reads "ma nu" suggesting that they're referencing the fact that the ECU was from a manual vehicle (to aid in identification when the container arrived in the US). Cracking open the case reveals the following dark green computer board: The first chip not shown in the Owners Bible simply has a paper decal on it. Turning over the board shows a few blue dots that aren't located anywhere else on the underside of the board. Also on the board is a brighter green chip. This looks much newer than the other components. Lastly, we have one more chip right next to the plug. I have a few other issues I'll ask about a bit later (including the plumbing for the boost solenoid), but here you can see why I'm concerned about running this ECU. Any info you guys can provide is appreciated. Many thanks.
  7. This might be old news to some of you, but I didn't see a mention of it anywhere. Colin McRae clothing and gear are now available at the online store on www.ColinMcrae.com Some of the swag available: The order I place arrived within about a week (to the US) and was padded very well with bubble wrap, so no worries there. Shipping was very reasonable. There's goodies for everyone, so have a look around. The pictures are crap, I know. The mug was taken with my Mythic, the others I just have no excuse for.
  8. This. Pics or ban.
  9. Shenanigans! Yeah dude, I'll add you. It won't be until later this week though, I'm slammed with school work and won't get the chance to touch the PS3.
  10. What about PS3? I'm t3hWIT
  11. Grant, do you have PS3 or Xbox?
  12. I got the car on Saturday, and IIRC you get the STi after completing the Colin McRae memorial rally in the oldschool Ford Escort. Its a bit moving, and you're actually competing against Alister and Jimmy McRae. Other special cars are won by completing the X Games and the World Tour. I'm at experience level 44 and a bit over halfway through the game, so I'm sure there's still a few more surprises.
  13. Maybe I misunderstood, but I didn't read anything about someone breaking into a house. But on your proposed method of dealing with intruders, I tip my hat to you. I keep a loaded Glock 22 in my bedside table.
  14. Just saw this. I actually have every one of those songs on my MP3 player.
  15. I was worried that they wouldn't be much of a mention of Colin in the overseas version, until I saw that I was starting out in one of his old X Games cars. There's a very moving tribute in it that I hope makes its way to Youtube.
  16. Well done to Grant, Imy, and everyone else involved. It looks like a spectacular event.
  17. People do this all the time in the US, even between newage and classic models. The wheel should be plug-and-play, so if the connectors are the same, you shouldn't have an issue. As far as the airbag goes, just make sure you disconnect the battery and leave the vehicle sit for at least 3 minutes before tampering with the airbag.
  18. Haven't seen it yet, but I'm planning on watching the episode tonight.
  19. Huh. Cost me about £10.00 to fill my tank today.
  20. IIRC, Block is running an equal-length exhaust manifold.
  21. Aye, I'm getting a couple shirts and the pictured shoes myself.
  22. Holy crap, that's intense.
  23. Fantastic shots there.
  24. I'm not sure if this has been posted, but if so, it's worth another look. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkrcomXmQ6E
  25. That sounds a bit fishy. I had S-Techs on my car for a year in the harsh PA snow and salt, and they looked just as good when I removed them as they did going in. Where did you purchase the springs from? I know that Tein had an issue with counterfeit springs a while back.
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