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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Cheers Mark and Gordon! They will be coming off for the winter and the standard ones will be back on. Just hope we dont get the snow we have had the last couple of years as i dont think the spoiler will survive lol
  2. Cheers Matty and yes i am phoning about those tomorrow.
  3. Team Dynamic Pro Race 1.2 As you can see i went for them in black. It turns out that i am crap with a camera and taking pictures of black on white is a pain in the ass! :lol1: The pictures dont do the wheels justice!
  4. I have a set of roof bars with two bike carriers behind my shed! They are thule ones. The feet on them just now are for a mondeo so you would only need to get the proper feet for your model of car. PM me your mobile number and i can text you some pictures or i will post them on here in the daylight tomorrow.
  5. Do you already have the bike carriers?
  6. What were you planning on carrying on them?
  7. Very nice Barry! Will these be on and fitted by Sunday?
  8. Once again on here somebody mentions .net and the post and my reply are removed!! What were the reasons? Why not at least send a pm to explain it? I thought this place was trying to improve but once again pettiness strikes again! I enquired about possibly attending the, if not one of the biggest car days at knockhill as a club. I find out that the idea hadnt been discussed on here. Another " paid up " member on here points me in the direction of another group who are going and it gets removed!!!! Rant over!! Goodnight!! Lets see how long this post last!!
  9. Yes as far as i know. It came with ten months MOT but i may know somebody that can help.
  10. Mine has a decatted downpipe ( unknown type ) and then the full nur spec system and if its loud you want then this is the one to go for.
  11. Cheers for the update Tam. I might wait a day or two and if nobody fancies it i will book a space with Barry.
  12. Barry i will text gus and see if he knows whats happening.
  13. Hmm according to a post over on .net there are prizes for best club stand? Has anyone from on here been in touch with knockhill or heard from them about this event?
  14. Is the club having a stand at this event?
  15. Its one of only seven white ones that were sold on the 05 plate.
  16. Ahh just did a quick ebay search and no thats not mine. Thats Marks car, mines is a type uk.
  17. I bloody hope not! Any links to the ebay one?
  18. Yeah its the white one. The classic has a tsl group n system on it and its no where near as loud.
  19. Its more that fact that i will be loosing my hearing that worries me although that may also be age related.
  20. What type / colour is your car? Any pictures as this might help.
  21. Have you been in any cars with the full Nur spec systems? My car has it and the noise inside the car can start to get a bit much after a while.
  22. We need pictures to at least help with the style of outfits
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