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About scottstiprodrive

  1. My car is absolutly manky i was going to wash it today and thought theres no point as ive got to drive 480 miles to get the car remapped Thurs then another 180 miles to my mums.Leaving here about 1am tomoro night I`ll be washing it as soon as i get to Aberdeen tho
  2. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm..... GT3,RB320..... Get both!!!
  3. Was that a public beech
  4. anybody else with some footage
  5. nice vid mate
  6. No offence taken mate,and fair enough i understand where your comming from. As the vid goes its actually been on there for some time now.Iam sure if anyone was appalled by my actions then surely they would of left a bad comment about my behavior by now. This post has kept me entertained for the day as i had to take the day off work to look after my son and i must say if you would ask me if i,d post it again then the answer would be yes. No offence was meant to be taken from the clip.I did not expect some of the responses that was left but as ive said everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Its been very entertaining... Cheers Ps should of called the thread gonuts at ma donuts
  7. Ilike the ones with a nice coating of RUBBER!!!STILL SMOKING!!!
  8. Some of our farm was actually within the airfield so never had any trouble being on there even when i used to take the old 4-10 out and shoot a few rabbits down towards kaimes quarry end.
  9. But everyones entitled to their opinion and if they want to judge me on a clip of a me doing a few donuts then let them have their say probably makes them feel better about themselfs. TOP TOPIC!!!
  10. This i know mate as i stated lived right next to it, the hangers where the gliders were kept backed on to my garden.That never stopped us from using it when they werent there.The police used to use it also to train there dogs.
  11. TESCOS 99 SilicRONe
  12. I know of one where we used to take the cars for a spin it was at the back of my old farm.It was a disused airfield where we spent many hours having a laugh infact this is where i drove my first car a mk 1 mexico bought it for £20 used it to tear about the farm in it.Not sure if its being used for anything now as ive been away for 20 odd yrs its just outside a place called Kirknewton the old Richie camp airfield. Just googled it still looks disused... http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=e...p;z=16&om=1 My old farm is in the top left corner of the airfield
  13. Fair comment mate,with being brought up in Scotland on a farm for 14 yrs and a few family members being involved in the scottish rally scene i do have a good understanding of whats driving like an idiot and what is having some fun... Iam sorry if i have offended all you good scottish citizens but to be honest thats one of the reasons of leaving Scotland we seem to be a nation of moaners!!!
  14. I prefer ones with jam masell.
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