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About stuarted

  1. Must be loud! Glad you're back in the fold Johnny.
  2. Bearsden is local to me but not seen it before on my travels
  3. They'll probably be dual AVCS but I believe they can be used
  4. Hypertech in Bonnybridge for Dyno
  5. that is a stunning car mate
  6. i'm hopefully going to have mine ready in time for this
  7. no probs, theres a Scoobyclinic billet turbo thread on 22b.com as well that has loads of graphs in it, i'm sure there'll be one similar to your set up. Get some nos then nowt to worry about!
  8. I think the main concern from the people that have posted re turbo choice is that it's going to be laggy and a smaller turbo would be better suited to the horsepower target and making a more enjoyable car to drive. There are some posts in the following thread regarding the 0.63 housing which may be relevant too....http://bbs.22b.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=002051. I'm no expert and i'm trying to get as much info myself for a future build and I wouldn't want to be buying twice. Have you discussed the set up with Andy?
  9. I use Millers 10w 60, CFS I think it's called, never had any issues with it. Same as Johnny for the use by date, no idea!
  10. Usually see 320-330bhp on a P1 with K&N Panel, full decat and a remap on V Power
  11. look forward to seeing the results. How painful is it waiting to get a car back!?!?!
  12. for a car that's going to be 90% road use would a GT30 not be a better suited turbo on a 2.1?
  13. sorry to hear of the engine problems Graeme and the continued bad experience you have suffered. The engine is in good hands with Steve now so I hope it's good news from here on in. Any idea of a completion date for it?
  14. Im sure you'll do the classics proud Adam
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