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About P1Daveyboy

  1. Yes good to see you again Dave
  2. All the way to castle coombe and this happens lol Built in sauna under the bonnet
  3. There are two coming from europe to the meet at Prodrive check the list on the P1WOC Would be nice to meet you as well Dave
  4. Lovely looking car also loving the head oriment in the last picy lol
  5. Mani you dark horse Congratulations to you both.
  6. No not yet should be soon ?
  7. Well done guys and girls what a great day you must have had Merry Christmas to you all
  8. Its good to be different good on ya.
  9. They do say seat belts save your lives. You could have got married had ankle biters won the lottery £50,000,000 Got to meet another hotty at the lights Got divorced lost half of said lottery win Got drunk for the foresable future So be thankfull for small mercy
  10. Welcome back to the club nice looking P1
  11. Echo all the above. Good luck in your search
  12. OMG is the body shop people BLIND FFS Pimp my Ride Should sue the A** of them
  13. I am told that the legal tint limit to front side windows is 18 % is there a window tinting person or company on here who could confirm or deny this ?????
  14. Just had a thought if fuel keeps going up we will not be able to afford to sit in jams Doh
  15. Yet another TAX on the motorist why bother owning a car. Give it up and the muppets loose all the tax we pay to them. Vat on new cars, Import tax, Road fund tax er duty, Insurance tax, mot cost, Tax on parts for your car, Tax to take your driving test, Tax on dirving lessons, In london congestion charge er Tax, Parking cost er tax, worn out now over taxed
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