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Everything posted by GJLATZ

  1. Hello all, Can anyone pass on some tips/advice on cleaning a Green Filter? The filter's been in the car for approx 10 months now. Gaz
  2. It's a stunner..
  3. As soon as the car's out again hopefully I'll be able to get some better pics Gjlatz
  4. Thanks mate.. appreciate the advice.
  5. Hi there, Cracking scooby..do you have any advice for removing faint scratches from a Graphite Black scoob? How did you get you pics on? Gaz
  6. Took some pics of both cars up on the ramps..550! even better that it still looks standard from outside.. The Scoob's the wifes so still standard (Green Filter and new backbox).
  7. Hi Grant, Can't get the pictures on. Not sure how to do it.......
  8. I got the same pipework diameter as the standard exhuast with a 3 inch rolled tailpipe. Nice big thump on tickover and a very nice rumble at cruising speed £170 all fitted...
  9. I seen your Scoob in there, Scott did mention the Crail quarter mile. What horse power is it putting out?
  10. Hello all, Well, took all your advice and went through to Meercat this weekend for another backbox. The service and the quality or the product are absolutly brilliant. I got the sound and rolled tip 3inch tailpipe aswell. Thanks everyone. One last piece of info (boring as it maybe). Drove 169 miles (south of Edinburgh to Meecat and back) on half a tank of fuel......65 mph both ways
  11. Hi guys, Many thanks for all your feedback and photos (the photos you've all posted have helped as we can actually see what the BB's looklike on the cars). The Prodrive looke is the preferred option. I've already been intouch with Willie at Meercat. Many Thanks Gaz
  12. Aye, that's what I'm looking for, more THUMP but the Prodrive look. Will get intouch with Meercat. Gaz
  13. Thanks for all of your replies, I can see a trend already. This will seem like a stupid question, do all of these backboxes fit straight onto the standard system? We've had this car for approx 3 years but apart general servicing, polishing and a Green Filter never really looked onto mods Gazz
  14. Thanks for the quick reply Grant. What's spec G?
  15. Hello all, Looking for your feedback. Am looking to changing the backbox on our 03 STI. Thought about a Prodrive backbox but we don't know if there will be much if any difference to the exhaust note. Just looking for a bit more of that THUMPING FLAT FOUR.... GJLATZ
  16. We're only out in the scoob at the weekend and usually go and top up with T 99. I've seen a Silver classic in Haddington (parked up). We'll pass on the coast road eventually.
  17. Hi Gordy, We don't drive the Silver one it's a black New Age..what's your drive? The Tesco is much handier than going to Mussi or Berwick
  18. ust a quick note to ask if anyone has tried using Tesco 99....I've using it because a Tesco has opened locally (N. Berwick) and compared to V Power it's smoother from cold, performance appears to be the same and none of that constant petrol smell like the V Power. Anyone else using T 99?
  19. Hello all, Looking for any information on were I can buy a front set of pads for a 03 STI. Car has just been serviced by local dealer and as usual the two back shocks have been replaced again (car only done 16k). The front pads need to be replaced aswell, however I thought approx £ 256.00 was a bit expensive from the dealer. Any advice on where to purchase a set of pads would be greatly appreciated. Latz
  20. First time......
  21. Hi there, After reading a few posts I noticed a few other owners have had noisey rear shocks on various Imperza's. Ours is going upto the dealer on Monday for 30k service and hopefully the will change the shocks under warranty (this will be the second time they have been changed). Are there any fixes for this problem?
  22. Hello all, We're looking to change the Air Filter in our 03 STI are there any advantages to be had by changing the on its own?
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