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little vodka goblin

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Everything posted by little vodka goblin

  1. It was indeed and we turned those funny little aliens into these - Suet pastry with savoury filling at one end and sweet at the other!
  2. Probably if they're sold at Silverstone lol That said, I'm originally from Bedfordshire - home of the clanger and if that's not the weirdest bloody "meal" I don't know what is!
  3. Matty bring them to Trax instead, I promise I won't ask you to make them Northampton pasties!
  4. I'll definately sponsor you Joff. As a thought when are you thinking of doing this? If we have a few months notice lets see if we can make something out of it and hopefully raise a bit more cash - we can chat about it on Monday if you want?
  5. I am indeed as the deposit amount hasn't even been confirmed by the pub yet but as the meal is only £10 - £12 I can't see them requiring a great amount off of each of us.
  6. Are we going to have ourselves a little convoy from Lincoln? 1. Scoobyjoff 2. Scoobiefloz 3. Little Vodka Goblin + 2 4. Goofy + 1 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  7. Nope, once you've paid for your tickets you're committed . . . . . or should that read will get committed????
  8. Me mess your head up????? Oh mate, you can guarantee it!
  9. Where the fricking hell did the SIR Goofy come from? Nick, have you been dreaming again my lovely?
  10. Details here
  11. Lads and lasses, Once again it’s that time of year when we start planning our Christmas meal/meet. Although it was initially discussed about holding it in Coningsby, Nick (Goofy) and I have decided that as the Midlands covers such a large area it would be fairer if we held it at a more central location, therefore we are going to return to Leicester where we held last years pi$$ up oops I mean meal! Details are as follows: The meal will be held on Saturday 8th December at the pub/restaurant just across from the Premier Inn (Leicester Central A50), Groby Road, Leicester, Leicestershire LE3 9QH. The Christmas Fayre menu is priced at £10.99 for 2 courses, £12.99 for three courses. They are sending me a menu which I will post on here as soon as I receive it and once your menu choices have been made I will require a small deposit from each of you to secure the booking (amount tbc). Rooms are currently available at the Premier Inn for £39 for the Premier Saver (pre-pay no amends or refunds) or £45 for the Premier Flexible (amend up to 1pm on arrival day) but I am pretty much certain these prices will increase the closer we get to the date so I would suggest booking as early as possible to save yourself some beer money. For those of you who attended last year I have no need to tell you what an absolutely fantastic and extremely funny night it was and for those of you who didn’t attend – go on, give it a try and get your name down I think you’ll be pleased you did! Any questions, just give me a shout. Hope to see lots of you there. Cheers, Rach 1. Little Vodka Goblin 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
  12. You have realised that as you are now coming to Trax you are going to be exposed to mine and Nick's "sense of humour" twice in less than one week?
  13. I'm going to be heading home monday night as its only 40 miles away for me - you may well need to book a room to help your head to recover AGAIN!!!!!
  14. My pleasure - to be fair I'm usually more particular but I had a teensy bit of a hangover and a lot of cars to get parked
  15. Correction should be done as far as I know
  16. Lol not even started yet - it could get far, far worse
  17. Well if you don't get the cusco's I'm sure I can donate you a ladybird or two lol
  18. Needs stickers . . . . definitely needs stickers
  19. Calendar amended to show Midlands Christmas meal on 8th December Details here
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