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little vodka goblin

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Posts posted by little vodka goblin

  1. Don't know if it's of any help lads but when I ran a rolling road day at Zen Performance I allocated everyone time slots (one every 15 minutes and an hour in the middle for a lunch break) so that everybody knew what time they were going to be on the rollers and didn't have to hang around all day waiting if they didn't want to :)

  2. Ok lads and lasses it's time to let the inner child shine through (not so difficult for some of us - no names mentioned)!

    On Saturday 3rd November Nick and I are planning on us having a day out at Alton Towers (god help me). Not only will we have a full day at the park but we'll also be able to enjoy the Ultimate Fireworks display. The Theme Park is open until 9pm so you can enjoy a day of rides and entertainment, see a world class Fireworks show and then ride the rides afterward in the dark!

    Ticket prices are £45.00 each for adults and £36.00 each for under 12's on the day but if a number of us attend and make a group booking we can save a considerable amount of money -

    Groups of 10+ (35% discount)

    Adult Online price £29.25 (Saving £15.75)

    Child Online price £23.40 (Saving £12.60)

    Groups of 7-9 (30% discount)

    Adult Online price £31.50 (Saving £13.50)

    Child Online price £25.20 (Saving £10.80)

    If you wish to attend please pop your name down on the list and we'll take it from there.



    1. Little Vodka Goblin










  3. Evening lads and lasses,

    I'm planning to hold the 2nd Lincolnshire meet on the 14th October (nothing to do with it being my birthday the next day ;)). The plan is to return to the Leagate Inn at Coningsby for a lunchtime meet and an absolutely fantastic meal - those of you who attended the first meet there know that I am not exaggerating just how good the food is! Anyway, enough of my waffle if you would like to come along please get your name down and then I can contact Josh to make the booking.

    See you there!!!!!

    1. Little Vodka Goblin










  4. Can someone please put my name down for this... I'll book when I'm in front of a computer

    Take :-)

    1. Little Vodka Goblin (booked)

    2. Sir Goofy + 1 (booked)

    3. Scoobyjoff + 1

    4. Don (booked)

    5. Frenchy (booked)

    6. Chris W + 1 (Booked)

    7. ScoobieFloz (Booked)

    8. stum450n

    9. scoobro + 1 (Booked)

    10. benmic92 + 1

    11. T5NYW (Booked)

    12. Emmielou + 1(Booked)

    13. Bakerzone

    Don't forget to book your room asap Rich while they're still nice and cheap :)

  5. Look what you've done now Bungy. Rachel will want her name changed again to Little vodka cake Goblin........ Mmm Vodka cake. Wonder if that would work???? :banana:

    I'm liking your thinking there, I'm liking it so much . . . . . . . . . . .

    "MATTY!!!!!! NEW MUFFINS TO TRY!!!!!!!!!!"


  6. As far as I am aware T5NYW is also attending :)

    Apologies - as far as I can tell now reg numbers are not required as I had already listed your car make & model next to your entry on the list. HOWEVER, it looks like your best bet would be to have your list number (as above) on display on your dash/attached to sunvisor/however you wish to display it so that you can be quickly checked off on entry.

  7. So am I right in thinking that you are under the impression that all of the committee members that attended RallyDay for example claimed fuel expenses? I myself had a 400 mile round trip to attend, the members from Scotland something nearer a 900 mile round trip and not one of us received a penny towards fuel - we attended the show because we chose to attend and EVERYTHING was paid for out of our own pockets.

    I find your implications extremely offensive, you say that you have invested money into your club so why do you feel we would not be supportive of SIDC in the same way?

  8. Lads,

    I've been giving this a lot of thought over the past few days and have decided that I will no longer be attending - please see below a copy of my post on Scoobynet which I feel will explain my reasons for coming to this decision.

    I shall still keep track of the any updates for you all and will post them up accordingly.




    When I put my name down on the list I never expected to see such a massive volume of cars attending (as I’m sure you didn’t either). With this is mind and after much deliberation I feel that it would be more beneficial for me to donate some money which can be used in whatever way is seen fit than for me to be just one more car that turns up on the day, it will also free up a space for someone else who still wishes to attend. Therefore, if one of you would be kind enough to remove my name from the list (number 32 - Little Vodka Goblin) it would be very much appreciated.

    I cannot applaud enough those of you who have stepped up and taken on the organisation of this event and wish you all the very best, you are all top guys. Lastly but most importantly of course, I hope that Connor and his family enjoys the day – I cannot even begin to comprehend what you are all going through at the moment and my thoughts will be with you all on Saturday and for the weeks ahead.

    Rachel x

  9. Don't know if you lads will be taking the same route but I'll be taking the M1 to junction 35A and then the A616 - roughly a mile after the first roundabout as you come off the M1 there's a layby on the left hand side, if any of you want to meet to convoy the last stretch I reckon we should meet there around 12 o'clock if that suits?



  10. 1. Little Vodka Goblin (booked)

    2. Sir Goofy + 1 (booked)

    3. Scoobyjoff + 1

    4. Don (booked)

    5. Frenchy (booked)

    6. Chris W + 1 (Booked)

    7. ScoobieFloz (Booked)

    8. stum450n

    9. scoobro + 1 (Booked)

    10. benmic92 + 1

    11. T5NYW

    12. Emmielou + 1

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