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Everything posted by madmanx

  1. Happy New Year, all the best for 2009
  2. madmanx


    Welcome Emz Making a break from the blue oval with this new addition. Has been a bit quiet in here of late Bit of luck next year should see a bit more Enjoy your scoob
  3. Get it gone before Christmas mate, you don't want that putting you off the Christmas dinner
  4. Sorry Dude, that sound more like something you picked up across, Both Nic and I were out of action for a week, so you ave done well to shift it if it was the same. Its good to share Meet sounds good, I'll go look now.
  5. Gave you a toot the other day there Tony, Have a good Christmas if I don't see you before. John
  6. Dave, You worked out where all those extra whiteline goodies go yet?
  7. Looks a first class job, You will have your work cut out Dave to keep it clean this time of year. The good coat of wax will help the muck come off and protect the paint. Car is looking sweet mate
  8. That's a good woman you got there Dave. You just need to work her round to the idea of stuff for the Scoob.... and another XR2 in the future
  9. Looking great Dave, So the love affair with the lady in red is back on
  10. Just right for the road tax at the start of the month
  11. Looking good Dave, you'll be back on the road in no time.
  12. Getting there Dave
  13. 3. mmm, do you think any body will suss that this is really blue WKD and not water.
  14. Here is one to start off 1. Police officer "One squirt and you're nicked"
  15. Yeah, was thinking more in a week or so, as we are off to the McRae Gathering this weekend. Just thought if the weather improved before the summer is well and truly gone. Get out and about. A few disposable BBQ's and bring something along to throw on it.
  16. Dude, I know it's GP but must be something happening somewhere. Hows about a get together come BBQ one Sunday or evening, if the forecast is good. Before the summer is well and truly gone.
  17. Your car is starting to get its face back. Starting to look mean! One step at a time
  18. Have you thought about church or town halls? As they can usually be hired for a day or evening for little money. Not that you would be able to leave your kit set up, but would get you a spot.
  19. madmanx

    Hi All

    Hi Dave, (how many Dave's do we have in here now?) Welcome John
  20. Thanks for the offer, but I'll have a car full myself. Should be Nicky and Patrick with me and the father in-law Ian (if there is drinking to be had he will be more than willing to come along ) Will keep an eye out for yous and catch you down there
  21. Anybody going down to Castletown Thur. evening? SS2/SS3 Balley Cashtal1.36 miles Roads Closed - 18.35 to 22.45 Think we will be around the harbour area
  22. Yeah, very quite. How's the teaching going Richard?
  23. Is it going to be like changing rooms, or more like extreme makeover?
  24. If you notice the post times I posed it on here first Shorter thread to read Copy and Paste, don't you just love it As for the help, what are friends for
  25. Hi Dave, just back today, you spoke to me on the phone on the Sunday it all went bad. I've been following this thread when in Glasgow. But forgot my password, so could not add anything. Good to see that you are getting stuck in about it. If you need a hand with anything just shout. Stick in bud.
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