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black wing

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Everything posted by black wing

  1. Hello everyone! I was thinking about the 8pm time I set earlier, this may well be tricky at the Ace Cafe, the north bound circular is a nightmare at that time as we all know. They have a bike club meeting there at about 12:30pm, but the rest of the day seems clear. I see a good time being 13:30 - 14:30, any thoughts? Hi Jason, hope all is well mate. I understand what you mean about the boy-racers, I do have about 4 family orientated venues in the pipeline already which will provide what we are all looking for (hopefully!). I check out the places that you mentioned below, but first of all I want to meet all of you! Anyway please post up any suggestions you have for the region, and lets get the Capital Scoobies Crew rolling! Cheers Mark
  2. Hello everyone, I'm really happy and impressed with the proposed turnout for the introduction meet in December. Because there is a much higher turnout than I expected, I have enquired about changing the meeting venue to the Ace Cafe so there is adequate parking for all of our beautiful scoobs. I only have to confirm it with them, but first I wanted hear everyones thoughts on this slight alteration. Look forward to hearing from you all. Cheers Mark
  3. Will definatley try my best for this one, unfortunatley i'm in Southampton on Saturday and a few beverages my find their way to my belly. Will take the details though
  4. 1. Black Wing 2. Badboy Baza (Barry & Ann) Subject to work roosters 3. Rizla (not 100%) but defo try 4. Listener 5. Un-ink 6. Scooby Hoo? 7. Jason751 8. Baser999 9. Granby (possibly?) 10. Dazzlers82 11. jules d 12. Prodrive Tony 13. 14. 15. Is there something someone's not telling me about Scooby Hoo?
  5. 1. Black Wing 2. Badboy Baza (Barry & Ann) Subject to work roosters 3. Rizla (not 100%) but defo try 4. Listener 5. Un-ink 6. Scooby Hoo? 7. Jason751 8. Baser999 9. Granby (possibly?) 10. Dazzlers82 11. jules d 12. 13. 14. 15. Hi Jules, and welcome. I think alot of people will be interested in a trip to TDI, including myself! We can talk in more depth about it on the 9th. Hope to see you there. Cheers Mark
  6. 1. Black Wing 2. Badboy Baza (Barry & Ann) Subject to work roosters 3. Rizla (not 100%) but defo try 4. Listener 5. Un-ink 6. Scooby Hoo? 7. Jason751 8. Baser999 9. Granby (possibly?) 10. Dazzlers82 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
  7. 1. Black Wing 2. Badboy Baza (Barry & Ann) Subject to work roosters 3. Rizla (not 100%) but defo try 4. Listener 5. Un-ink 6. Scooby Hoo? 7. Jason751 8. Baser999 9. Granby (possibly?) 10.
  9. 1. Black Wing 2. Badboy Baza (Barry & Ann) Subject to work roosters 3. Rizla (not 100%) but defo try 4. Listener 5. Un-ink 6. Scooby Hoo? 7. Jason751 8. 9. 10. Kip, will definatley be going to Ace after our Introduction Meet, so it would be great to see you and your crew down with us! I should be organising a meet in Hampshire with the Hampshire crew at some point as well, which might be a good time to meet also Scooby Hoo?, Kent scoobies are always welcome! No stealing my idea of using McDonalds as a meet venue though
  10. I'm open to suggestions for different times, but I picked 8pm to escape the traffic...but please let me know if certain times are better for you Cheers Mark
  11. Yep I know the one, just off the north circular. Definatley on my list but i'm trying to find about 5 different meeting points all around London.
  12. To all Londoners, Due to the difficulties i'm having locating the perfect meeting spots around London, I would like to invite you all to the London Scoobies introduction meet. The venue will probably not be a permanent fixture, instead it will provide an opportunity for everyone to meet each other. The venue will be as previous: McDonalds Marl Road Wandsworth Bridge SW18 1JT Using this venue mainly because it's extremely easy to find. After we meet, anyone who wishes can join me in having a pint or in some cases an orange juice at the local bar in the vicinity which has suitable parking for us. I have set a date for the meet on Sunday 9th December @ 8:00pm to allow everone enough time to book it in their diaries. Please put your name below so that I have an idea who should be turning up, I look forward to meeting you all, cheers Mark. 1. Black Wing 2. 3. 4. 5.
  13. Possible, have just been there though I think there are a couple of Jap meets along the south coast somewhere coming up soon, I will post them up for everyone.
  14. I've got a wedding that weekend unfortunatley
  15. To all, As no further names have been added to the list on this thread, we will not be meeting at the London Gateway services Sunday morning, instead we will be heading directly to Toddington services for 7:00am. Thanks Mark
  16. Welcome I look forward to meeting you at the next (to be organised ) London gathering. Also hope to see you at Japshow?!?
  17. Iain mate, yes the London convoy will definatley be meeting up with you. Do you know what the post code is for the land rover garage? I donb't know the area and am a little worried I won't find it
  18. Quality! This picyure doesn't show the dirt
  19. Managed to get off work in the end then? Can probably be there about 07:00 although I think theres a 50 mph average speed camera zone just as we pass the M25 which may slow us down.
  20. Good idea, it will certainly help me make a decision ...thinking west london area..at first any way
  21. Welcome welcome welcome Good to see another Londoner from the SIDC, will be organising a meet soon so make sure you make it along... ..are you attending Japshow Finale? We will be convoying up there, get involved
  22. Fair enough mate, get some pics up on the forum afterwards
  23. Will be meeting at London Gateway Services between junctions 2 & 4 on the M1 at 06:15 with the aim to leave by 06:30 sharp to meet with the Bucks and Oxon Scoobies at 07:15. http://www.motorwayservices.info/area.php?area=12 Put your name below please so I know numbers: 1. Black Wing 2. Heslop 3. Guy 4.
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